Purpose This auxiliary report is used to sort employees by country and postalcode for the report Employee Annual Statement> (RPCJWNN0>). For each employee the report first executes feature Define SubtypeSequence for Address Structure> (ADDRS >) for report categoryCJWN>. It then imports the subtypes of infotype Addresses>(0006 >) and transfers the values of the fields Country> ( P0006-LAND1>) and Postal Code> (P0006-PSTLZ>). ReportRPCJWNN0> is executed on the basis of this preselection. Pleaseindicate the variant used in the selection screen. If you execute theauxiliary report in batch mode, three files are sent to the spool,namely the system log files for reports RPUJWNN0> andRPCJWNN0 > as well as the SAPScript letters generated by reportRPCJWNN0.> Example> In 2002 you would like to send a letter by post (sorted by country andpostal code) to all former employees. In the selection screen undersection Period> select the option Other Period> and forPerson Selection Period> enter 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002. Undersection Selection> set the employment status to 0. In this wayall employees, whose status is 0 between 01.01.2002 and 31.12.2002 areselected and all employees who left before 01.01.2002 are not.Integration As soon as the auxiliary report has been executed, the reportEmployee Annual Statement> (RPCJWNN0>) is startedautomatically.Prerequisites Check if the payroll results for the employees concerned are availablefor the evaluation year and if infotype Addresses> (0006>)has been filled correctly. If necessary, adjust feature ADDRS> by selecting the requiredsubtype for variabele key CJWN >. If you do not adjust thefeature, the the current address is used for the Employee annualstatement >. See infotype Address> (0006>), subtype 1(Current address). Check your user parameters. If you have not selected a printer, theannual statements are not printed. As the annual statements are notprinted on the default printer, is it is advisable to selectalternative printers. On the other hand, if you start the report inbatch mode only, you can select the required printer in the selectionscreen. The SAPScript forms will be sent to the selected printer, inwhich case you do not need to change your user parameters.Selection Use the standard selection criteria and select the customer variant forreport RPCJWNN0 Employee Annual Statement (NL). No sort criteria shouldbe entered for this variant, otherwise the sort criteria for sorting bycountry/postal code are overwritten. Note! The data selection period must remain blank, whereas the personselection period must be filled. Standard_variants No standard variant supplied. Output The report generates a list of employees sorted by country and postalcode. The system log file indicates whether or not and for whichemployees infotype Addresses> (0006>) is maintained. At thesame time report Employee Annual Statement> ( RPCJWNN0>) isstarted automatically. |