Purpose With this repport you can manually maintain error messages for the HICBtransfer file. The report can be used in situations where error messagescannot be determined automatically. Integration The report starts view Manually Maintain Error Messages for HCIBFiles> (V_P05T_CVZ_UITW).Prerequisites
- You have executed the report HCIB: Upload Transfer File>
- In a normal situation you also have executed report HCIB: Download
Transfer File> (RPCVZDN0) using the option Extract only>. Thisis not necessary if you do not want to process any payment data at all,or if the correct persons were not found. ,,Selection At Selection >you can select the required legalperson>. Payroll year> and Payroll period> determine theperiod for which the error messages are manually entered.Activities Execute the report HCIB: Download Transfer File> (RPCVZDN0) usingthe option Extract only>. Execute report RPUITWN0 and manually assign the error messages to thepersonnel numbers. You can select any of the error message codes below: 1 Insured not known in Pension Fund Insured Persons Database 2 Insured is Deceased 3 Benefit Amount is Insufficient for Deduction 4 Benefit to Insured is Cut Off by Pension Fund 5 Beneficiary lives in the Netherlands/Non-Treaty Country 6 Person entitled by treaty moved to another treaty country 25 Holder is in the wrong file 30 4-weekly settlement period 99 Other Codes 1 and 2 can be set both manually and automatically, codes 4 and 30codes 4 en 30 can only be set manually, and codes 5, 6, and 25 are setautomatically. Code 99 is set automatically if none of the abovesituations fits the nature of the error. Save your data. Execute report RPCVZDN0 with the option Download only>