Purpose This report supports the Customizing settings for the uniform wagenotification procedure (ELM). Prerequisites You have created payroll units> before launchingthe report. To use the report, you have not made any settings in the followingviews:
- ELM: Grouping Payroll Units for Enterprise> (V_T5C51)
- Internal Institution ID> (T5C52 )
- Value Table Enterprises for ELM> (T5CSL)
Otherwise the report will interrupt processing with an error message.Features This report creates a sample company for ELM (0001>). In view T5C52, an internal institution ID is created for everyELM-relevant application key available in the system on the key dateentered. This ID is assigned to to the relevant payroll unit as well asto sample company 0001>.Selection You can choose the following parameters: