Title Check consistency of data in Infotypes 0461-0464> (and Infotype 0712, if Concurrent Employment is active)Purpose This report enables you to identify inconsistencies that may exist indata stored among the following four Canadian tax infotypes:
- The Tax Assignment> infotype (0461)
- The Provincial Tax> infotype (0462)
- The Federal Tax> infotype (0463)
- The Additional Tax Data> infotype (0464)
In essence, this report enables you to cross-check and verify theexistence of records in each of these infotypes for the personnel rangethat you specify on the selection screen. Moreover, if the Concurrent Employment Add-on has been installed andactivated for Personnel Administration in your system, this reportperforms an additional consistency check to ensure that a valid TaxAssignment> infotype (0461) record exists for the main personnelassignment defined in the Main Personnel Assignment> infotype(0712). However, since Concurrent Employment is not activated in thestandard system, the standard version of this report only performs aconsistency check for Infotypes 0461 through 0464. (In other words,unless Concurrent Employment is activated, the standard version of thisreport does not perform the additional consistency check for Infotype0712.) For customers who have upgraded to this release from Release 4.6C orbelow, this report can be used in conjunction with conversion reportRPC224K0> to ensure the consistency of data inInfotypes 0461-0464 after data conversions.Prerequisites By executing this report, you automatically perform a consistency checkfor the Tax Assignment> infotype (0461) records in your personnelrange; there is no way to de-activate this consistency check.Consistency checks for the other Canadian tax infotypes are optional;these are performed in the manner described below by choosing thecorresponding checkbox(es).Features As stated, to run this report, you are required to perform a consistencycheck for the Tax Assignment> infotype (0461). For the otherCanadian tax infotypes, consistency checks are performed as follows.
- The Provincial Tax> infotype (0462)
For each valid Tax Assignment> infotype (0461) in theperiod/interval range that you specify on the selection screen, thesystem checks for the corresponding record(s) in Infotype 0462 with thesame province of employment and with no gaps. If the employee works inone province and lives in another, the system checks for thecorresponding record(s) in Infotype 0462 with the same province ofresidence and with no gaps. The system also performs a check for TONI provinces and territories; avalid Infotype 0462 record must exist for TONI provinces andterritories as of January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2002, respectively, oron the employee's hire date, whichever is latest. If an Infotype 0462record exists prior to the effective date of TONI, the report issues awarning stating that TONI cannot be applied to any Infotype 0462 datasaved before January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2002. For Quebec employees, a check is performed to ensure that each Quebecemployee has an Infotype 0462 record. Any errors that the system issues for Infotype 0462 cause thecorresponding employee to be rejected within payroll integrationfunction KTXDM>.These errors must therefore be resolved before payroll can be run.
- The Federal Tax> infotype (0463)
For each valid Tax Assignment> infotype (0461) in theperiod/interval range that you specify on the selection screen, thesystem checks for the corresponding record(s) in Infotype 0463 with nogaps. Any errors that the system issues for Infotype 0463 cause thecorresponding employee to be rejected within payroll integrationfunction KTXDM>.These errors must therefore be resolved before payroll can be run.
- The Additional Tax Data> infotype (0464)
Because entries in the Additional Tax Data> infotype (0464) areoptional, no errors are issued that prevent payroll from being run. IfInfotype 0464 is not maintained for the province of employment definedin Infotype 0461, then default exemptions are generated within payrollintegration functionKTXDM>.Selection In addition to standard selection criteria, the following additionalselections are available:
- Infotype selection>
In this section, you can specify the infotypes for which consistencychecks will be performed. Except for the Tax Assignment> infotype(0461), all selections in this section are optional.
- Output selection>
In this section, you can restrict the type of messages that the reportshould issue to errors>, warnings> or other information >, or any combination of the three.Standard_variants No standard variants of this report are available. Output For each employee checked, the report displays all errors, warnings andother messages generated during the consistency checks, provided thatthe corresponding checkboxes have been selected. This list is displayedin ABAP List Viewer (ALV) format to facilitate further analysis andproblem resolution. Activities Specify the desired period and personnel selections, the infotypes forwhich consistency checks should be performed, and the type of output tobe displayed, then execute the report.