Title HESA New Indvidualised Staff Return. Purpose The purpose of this report is to create a file to be sent to the HigherEducation Statistics Agency (HESA) for the New Individualised StaffReturn. Integration Data for this report is taken from HR Master Data, specifically infotypeHESA Master Data> (0614) and HE Contract Data> (0615). Academic qualification data is taken from infotype AcademicQualification> (0618). Infotype Clinical Details> (0617) is required for staff working onmedical duty. Other infotypes used are Personal Data> (0002), Basic Pay>(0008) and Additional Personal Data> (0077). Infotypes Actions > (0000) and Org.Assignment> (0001) are used to determineemployee status and groupings. Infotype HESA Submitted Data> (0616), used for IndividualisedSatff Return is obsolete.Prerequisites Customising for the HESA return (see IMG)> hasto be carried out. All references to tables, feature etc. are mentionedhere for reference only; all customising objects are in IMG. Data for the employees has to be set up. If you used SAP HESA ISR, ASR or NASR prior to HESA return year2003/2004 you should perform data migration to new HESA formats andcodes (for more information see documentation of the reportsRPUHESA01>, RPUHESA02> andRPUHESA03>). If you choose to fill the new field 'Appointment ID' on infotype 'HEContract Data' atomatically, you should run the reportRPUHESA04>. Otherwise, this field should be filledmanually to generate correct 'Contract Identifier' in the field CONTIDof the Contract table.Mapping of fields
- Record type indicator> (RECID) Generated in program; dependent on
year (yy - two last digits from year field): yy025 - NISR Person tablestandard record, yy026 - NISR contract table standard record and yy126 -NISR contract table minimum record for atypical staff.
- Institution identifier> (INSTID) Taken from customising there is
only one ID per installation possible; check table T5GPBSH_INS holds thehigher education institutions' HESA codes; the table also holdsinformation where the institution is located (Scotland, Wales, other)
- Staff identifier> (STAFFID) HESA Master infotype, including
checking of number; new numbers generated from number range HR_GB_HEID,using the fiscal year as the HESA year; old USR staff Ids are acceptedby the system; the format of USR is 0000xxxxxxxxx with x being a digit
Person Table
- Date of birth> (BIRTHDTE) Field Date of birth (GBDAT) from
infotype Personal Data (0002), in format YYYYMMDD
- Gender> (GENDER) field gender (GESCH) on infotype Personal Data
(0002), with a hard-coded mapping of 1, 2 -> M, F
- Nationality> (NATION) Fields P0002-NATIO, NATI2, NATI3 are used
with mapping table T5GPBSH_NAT
- Ethnicity> (ETHNIC) Field P0077-RACKY is mapped to the HESA code
using table T5GPBSH_ETH; HESA ethnicity codes are held in tableT5GPBSH_ETC
- Disabled> (DISABLED) P0077-DISAB and infotype Challenge (0004)
field challenge group are considered, challenge group can be marked asto be returned as disabled in mapping table T5GPBSH_CHA; only values 1and 2 are returned, i.e. registration is not taken into account
- Date first appointed at current HEI > (DATEFHEI) The last begin
date of continuous service derived from infotype Actions (0000) informat YYYYMMDD is returned. This field is filled for atypical staff.
- Previous employment >(PREVEMP) HESA Master infotype; check table
for HESA code is T5GPBSH_PRV2. Default code used for atypical staff is'99' (Not known).
- Previous HEI> (PREVHEI) HESA Master infotype; check table
T5GPBSH_INS holds the higher education institutions' HESA codes
- Highest qualification held >(HQHELD) From Academic Qualifications
infotype (0618): checked against new level of qualifications tableT5GPBSH_QUD2;
- Academic discipline >(ACCDIS1, ACCDIS2) From Academic
Qualifications infotype (0618). The Joint Academic Coding System (JACS)coding frame introduced in 2002/03 is used and provides for all subjectsto be coded according to a common, four-character subject code; thecheck table with HESA codes is T5GPBSH_ACD2
- Regulatory body> (REGBODY) Clinical details infotype, field
'Registraiton type' is used with mapping table T5GPBSC_RTB; the checktable with HESA codes is T6GPBSC_RBD. Value '00' (Not currentlyregistered) is returned by the report for the staff who are classifiedas 'Clinical' but do not have a record of infotype 'Clinical details'(0617) valid on the return period.
- Ability to teach through the medium of Welsh> (ABLWELSH) HESA
Master infotype (needed in Wales only) (field ABLWE)
- Date left HEI> (DATELEFT) Derived from 'Actions' infotype in
format YYYYMMDD. This field is filled for atypical staff.
- Destination on leaving> (LEDEST) HE Contract infotype, the last
valid contract (see field 32) will be used; codes are held in a newtable T5GPBSH_DES2. Default code used for atypical staff is '99' (Notknown).
- Active in 2001 Research Assessment Exercise> (RESACT) HESA Master
infotype (field RESAC)
- Unit of Assessment >(UOA) HESA Master Data infotype
- Total monies paid during this reporting year >(TOTSAL) Calculation
of the current salary is based on infotypes 8, 14 and 15 only; onlycertain wage types are used; customising is as for the annual salarycalculation on infotype Basic Pay (0008); currency is British Pound
Contract table
- Campus identifier> (CAMPID) Derived from new feature 08HCI (In:
Org.assignment, out: ID), displayed on HE Contract infotype (ifnecessary this field can be on the infotype and if filled will be usedinstead of the value from the feature; but at this stage it is expectedthat the campus identifier is in some direct way related to theorg.assignment)
- Contract identifier >(CONTID) Constructed by concatenating
Personnel number and 'Appointment ID' assigned to the record of HEContract infotype at the start date of the contract.
- Terms of employment> (TERMS) Derived from field contract type on
infotype HESA Contract-infotype; atypical contracts are returned with'3'.
- Mode of employment> (MOEMP) Derived from infotype basic pay
(0008); part time: Capacity utilisation level < 100; if staff isatypical in field 'Terms of employment ', staff is also consideredatypical in this field. field contract type on infotype HESAContract-infotype is used to determine 'term-time' contracts.
- Academic employment function> (ACEMPFUN) HE Contract infotype
- FTE during reporting year> (CONFTE) Derived from infotype Basic
pay (0008), field Cap.utility level , pro-rated across the period ofactive employment within the year; if there is no infotype 0008 foratypical staff, salary is divided by a notional amount (determined fromcustomising).
- Teaching through the medium of Welsh> (TCHWLH) HESA Master
infotype (needed in Wales only) (field TCHWL)
- Grade structure> (GRADE) Derived from infotype Basic Pay (0008)
and mapped to the HESA code using feature 08HGR (payscalegrp/lvl/type/area-> code); HESA code is held in table T5GPBSH_GRA
- Senior management post holder> (SMPH) HESA Master infotype (field
- Source of basic salary> (SOBS) HE Contract infotype
- Proportion of basic salary charged against general income> (PSCAG)
HE Contract infotype
- Secondary source of basic salary> (SSOBS) HE Contract infotype
- Salary point> (SALPOINT) Derived from infotype 0008: there is
feature 08HSP mapping payscale (level = TRFST) to salary point
- Basic salary at reference date> (SALREF) Calculation of the
current salary is based on infotypes 8, 14 and 15 only; only certainwage types are used; customising is as for the annual salary calculationon infotype Basic Pay (0008); currency is British Pound
- NHS contracts> (NHSCON) From infotype Clinical Details; fields
'A+B appointment', 'NHS Joint' and 'Honorary NHS type'. Value '0' (NotNHS contract) is returned by the report for the staff who areclassified as 'Clinical' but do not have a record of infotype 'Clinicaldetails' (0617) valid on the contract period.
- NHS contract grade> (NHSCONGR) field 'Honorary NHS type' is used
with mapping table T5GPBSC_NHS. Value 'XX' (Not applicable) is returnedby the report for the staff who are classified as 'Clinical' but do nothave a record of infotype 'Clinical details' (0617) valid on thecontract period.
- Healthcare professional speciality >(HSPEC) Clinical Details
infotype, field 'Clinical specialty'. Value 'XX' (Not applicable) isreturned by the report for the staff who are classified as 'Clinical'but do not have a record of infotype 'Clinical details' (0617) valid onthe contract period.
- HEI joint contracts >(HEIJOINT) HESA Contract details infotype
- Primary cost centre> (CCENTRE) Derived from Org.assignment:
infotype External Key (1038) subtype HEFC holds the HEFCE cost centre;if this is not filled, the HE Contract infotype is used;