Purpose Conversion of HESA infotypes 0614, 0615 and 0618 to HESA NISR changes. Integration The report converts HESA infotypes 'HESA Master Data'(0614), 'HEContract Data'(0615) and 'Academic Qualification'(0618) starting on orafter 01.08.2003 to new HESA codes. The records of these infotypescreated before new codes and infotypes structures has been introducedwill be erroneous until this conversion is performed. Also, due to changes in HESA coding frame, the underlying domains forthe fields 'Staff ID', 'Employement in previous year', 'PreviousInstituiton ID', 'Unit of submission', 'Leaving destination', 'Costcentre', 'Highest Academic qualification held' of infotypes 0614, 0615and 0618 has been changed. Due to this change, the value which werestored on the Data Base as 'empty' in these fields will be filled with'00'. For fileds 'Leaving destination' and ' Employement in previousyear' value '00' is a valid value and will replace the empty value onthe Data Base. For the other fields value '00' is not a valid valueand the report will convert these fields to their original state. Prerequisites New infotype structures and customising tables mustt be imported intothe system. This conversion must be performed before the conversion ofthe records of these infotypes which are valid before 01.08.2003.Conversion of customising table T5GPBSQ_ACQ should have been performed. Selection The conversion can be performed on a single employee basis. The update of Data Base tables PA0614, PA0615 and PA0618 is performedonly if 'Simulation' is not choosen and update is confirmed by the userin the following pop-up box. Output If 'Display protocol' is choosen by the user in either test or liverun, the program displays the list of all pernrs and infotypes forwhich the new records are (will be) created. The conversion is performed according to HESA automatic mapping for thefollowing fields:
- infotype 0614: 'Employment in previous year'
- infotype 0615:
'Principal source of basic salary' 'Secondary source of basic salary 'Destination on leaving'
- infotype 0618: 'Highest Academic Qualification held'
Activities For conversion of the customising table T5GPBSQ_ACQ, please use reportRPUHESA02>. For conversion of the records of these infotypes with validity datesbefore 01.08.2003, please use report RPUHESA01>.