Purpose This program converts values from table T5GPBSQ_ACQ into a newtime-dependent table T5GPBSQ_ACQ2 correspondingly in all clients. TableT5GPBSQ_ACQ will become obsolete with these delivery. This XPRA report will delimit the validity period of mapping betweenacademic titles and old HESA codes for 'Highest AcademicQualification' on 31.07.2003. New entries will be created correspondingto authomatic mapping to new codes, for 'Highest AcademicQualification' provided by HESA with validity period from 01.08.2003till 31.12.9999. New HESA 'Highest Academic Qualification' codes are delivered in tableT5GPBSH_QUD2. For HESA New Individual Staff Return field 14 of Person table 'HighestQualificaiton held' will be coded according to HESA specification forreturn year 2003/2004 Prerequisites The dictionary structure T5GPBSQ_ACQ2 must exist in the system. New'Higest quallification held' codes delivered in table T5GPBSH_QUD2 mustexist in all relevant clients.>Output The program produces a listing of number of entries converted in eachtable and in each client. |