Purpose This report creates a batch input file for conversion of infotypes 'HEMaster Data' (0614), 'HE Contract Data' (0615), 'AcademicQualifications' (0618) for implementation of HESA New Individual StaffRecord (NISR) for 2003/2004. This batch input file can be treatedafterwards in transaction 'Batch Input Overview' (SM35) to perform theconversion of the infotypes. All records of these infotypes, which end on or after 01.08.2003 willbe converted. Records, starting before 01.08.2003, will be delimited on31.07.2003 and new records will be created from 01.08.2003. For suchrecords of infotype 0615 ' Contract extension' flag will be set fornewly created records. The following fields will be converted according to HESA specification:
- Infotype 0614 - 'Previous Employment'
- Infotype 0615 - 'Leaving Destination', 'Primary source of basic
salary', 'Secondary source of basic salary'
- Infotype 0618 - 'Highest Qualification held'.
During the conversion the following fields of infotype 0615: