Purpose This program converts values from tables T5GPBSH_ETH and T5GPBSH_DISinto new time-dependent tables T5GPBSH_ETH2 and T5GPBSH_DIS2correspondingly in all clients. Tables T5GPBSH_ETH and T5GPBSH_DISwill become obsolete with these delivery. This XPRA report will delimit the validity period of entries of ethnicorigins corresponding to ethicity code '10' on 31.07.2002 in tableT5GPBSH_ETH2. New entries will be created for such ethnic origins withcorrespondence to HESA ethicity code '11' with validity period from01.08.2002 till 31.12.9999. In similar way the mapping between academic disciplines and old HESAcodes will be delimited in table T5GPBSH_DIS2 on 31.07.2002. Newentries will be created corresponding to authomatic mapping to new JACScodes, provided by HESA with validity period from 01.08.2002 till31.12.9999. New HESA JACS codes are delivered in table T5GPBSH_ACD. For HESA Individual Staff Return field 18 'Academic Discipline' will becoded according to HESA specification for return year 2002/2003 byreport RPUHESG0. Prerequisites The dictionary structures T5GPBSH_ETH2 and T5GPBSH_DIS2 must existin the system.> New JACS codes delivered in table T5GPBSH_ACD must exist in allrelevant clients.>Output The program produces a listing of number of entries converted in eachtable and in each client. |