Purpose This report performs the following tasks, in case of adjustments intermination payments, post the termination of an employee: Uploads the file, containing termination payment adjustments if any,post the termination of an employee Generates Employee Termination Payment> wage types, based on thedata in the uploaded file Updates or Deletes these Employee Termination Payment >wage typesin Group Certificate Overrides >(T5QGO) tableIntegration Prerequisites Features Selection Standard_variants Output Activities RESET N1 Navigate to the ABAP Editor (Transaction SE38). Enter the technical name of the report as RPUGCOQ0. Choose the Execute> icon. The Update Group certificateoverride table> selection screen appears. In the Financial Year section>, select the year for which you wantto include an adjustment in the Group> Certificate Overrides > (T5QGO) table. In Details for Updation> section: Select Update checkbox to update ETP >wage types in GroupCertificate Overrides> (T5QG0) table. Select the location of the file containing the adjustment data in theFile Name> field. In Details for Deletion> section: Select Delete checkbox to delete ETP >wage types in GroupCertificate Overrides> (T5QG0) table. Select the location of the file containing the adjustment data in theFile Name> field. Note You must either choose Delete> or Update> checkbox, at atime. In case you do not select the Update or Delete options, the report onlydisplays the ETP> wage types. It does not save the changes in thetable Group Certificate Overrides> (T5QG0) table. To execute the report, select Program> -> Execute.>Example System uploads the notepad text file containing termination paymentadjustments in the following format: Employee No.,,Transitional ETP,,Life Benefit ETP,,Tax on TransitionalETP,,Tax on Life Benefit ETP,, 13795001,,90000,,60000,,28350,,18900,, 13795002,,300000,,50000,,94500,,15750 13795003,,60000,,0,,18900,,0,, |