SAP Program RPUFRM00 - Edit Forms (Copy, Delete, Compare, ... )

With this report, you can perform the following steps for oneform that is contained in the form tables T512x ( (x = D, E, F, G, N,P, Q) and T514x (x = D, V)):

  • Copy

  • Compare

  • Download

  • Transferring the form from the SAP to a PC.
    • Upload

    • Transferring the form from a PC to the SAP System.
      • Transport

      • Delete

      • If you only delete the language-dependent tables and the form is onlyavailable in one language, the complete form is deleted.
        • Count table entries in a form

        • This function can be run separately. It is always call after all otherfunctions.

          The Upload and Download functions are suitable for transporting a formbetween different SAP Systems with Release 4.x. The documentation for aform cannot be transported between releases 4.0x and 4.5x because theformat has changed. If you import a form to a different release, awarning is displayed stating that the documentation cannot betransported.
          If you want to edit several forms at once, use the Copy Formtransaction PUFK.

1432204Remuneration statement: Improvements in DF01, DFKA, and DFB1
1421029Payroll account: Factor with three decimal places (RPCKTOD0)
1006499Remun. Statement: Overtime pay dates for California.
406702Printing wage types
1054679EEO-1 Report - Output in detailed paper format.
866184EEO Report field length changes
770817VETS-100: Legal changes for 2004.
598377LCP SI 11, Legal change patch for SI
729169PAY: Payroll Journal Displays Incorrect Net Pay
663952US Tax Reporter - YE 2003 Phase II
544849FAQ: Tax Reporter
569697VETS: New Company ID For VETS.
551560VETS: Legal Changes for Year 2002.
187494Errors on tax forms utilizing HRFORMULA reports
370217HR-GB: End of Year/Legal Changes April 2001