Use With this report, you can perform the following steps for one>form that is contained in the form tables T512x ( (x = D, E, F, G, N,P, Q) and T514x (x = D, V)):
- Copy
- Compare
- Download
Transferring the form from the SAP to a PC.
- Upload
Transferring the form from a PC to the SAP System.
- Transport
- Delete
If you only delete the language-dependent tables and the form is onlyavailable in one language, the complete form is deleted.
- Count table entries in a form
This function can be run separately. It is always call after all otherfunctions.Note The Upload and Download functions are suitable for transporting a formbetween different SAP Systems with Release 4.x. The documentation for aform cannot be transported between releases 4.0x and 4.5x because theformat has changed. If you import a form to a different release, awarning is displayed stating that the documentation cannot betransported. If you want to edit several> forms at once, use the Copy Formtransaction PUFK>.