Purpose This report enables you to repair inconsistencies concerningData Sharing>. The reportcan perform the following repairs:
- If a personnel number (object type P) is not linked to other personnel
numbers by the central person (object type CP), that is the employeehas only one personnel assignment, the report corrects incorrectgrouping values>. Technicalsplits are also generated for this purpose if necessary.
- If several personnel numbers are linked to each other that indicate
different data in the grouped infotypes, this data is compared. The processing sequence determines the direction in which the data iscompared: the report always attempts to make as few changes as possibleto the data of the "first" personnel number. The data of the nextpersonnel numbers in order may also have to be adjusted or evendeleted. The report interprets the data of the first personnel numberas more important or more correct than the data of the next personnelnumber.Prerequisites The processing sequence is determined by theHRPA_SHARING_REPOR> BAdI. Before youimplement this report, you should check whether theCL_DEF_IM_HRPA_SHARING_REPOR standard implementation meets yourrequirements, that is whether or not the sort actually pulls thecorrect personnel numbers to the front.Features
- On the reports selection screen, there are several options that enable
you to evaluate and repair inconsistencies selectively. The individualselection options are described in detail under Selection>.
- You can set a dialog mode>. After you have chosen Execute>
on the selection screen, the system displays a list of theinconsistencies found>: In this list, you can navigate to the relevant settings bydouble-clicking the individual fields to analyze errors, and you canobtain detailed error descriptions (by clicking on the icon in theExceptions> column for each personnel/person number). You can also move the personnel numbers in this list using Drag Drop, which subsequently influences the processing sequence. thisprocedure is only to be recommended if there are not many personnelnumbers to be repaired.
- You can perform a test run>.
- You can start repairing the inconsistencies from the dialog mode>
or directly from the selection screen by choosing Execute>.
- When the repairs are finished, a list of success messages and error
messages for the numbers that could not be repaired is created.Selection Object type>: In this field, you must enter an object type to determine whether youwant to select by personnel number (P) or by person number (CP). Person number> and personnel number>: In these fields, you can specify the person and personnel numbers forwhich you want to evaluate or repair Data Sharing inconsistencies. Note>: If you only specify the object type and leave the personnel number > or person number> fields empty, the report selects allpersonnel numbers or person numbers. Infotype>: You can use this field to select the infotypes for which the reportshould be run. If you do not specify any infotypes, the report takesall infotypes into account that participate in Data Sharing accordingto table V_T582G (Infotype/Subtype Assignment - Grouping Reason >). Retroactive accounting recognition active> You can use this field to deactivate retroactive accounting recognitionduring repairs by deselecting the field. This enables the report tomake changes that would be rejected by retroactive accountingrecognition. By deactivating retroactive accounting recognition, youalso ensure that the repairs do not trigger the retroactive accountingtrigger. If required, you may have to manually trigger retroactiveaccounting afterwards. Note>: Normally, retroactive accounting recognition should not be deactivated.However, it can be necessary to do so for repairs to data that lies inthe past. Workflow active>: By selecting this field, you can activate the workflow trigger for thereport. The repairs completed by the report then trigger workflows, ifrequired. ALE active>: By deselecting this field, you can deactivate the distribution of databy ALE. Dialog mode>: You can use this field to set whether the report should display a listof the inconsistencies found:
- If you select the field, the dialog mode is switched on, that is the
list of inconsistencies found is displayed. In this case, you can alsoinfluence the repair sequence using Drag&Drop.
- If you do not select the field, repairs are started immediately after
you choose Execute> on the selection screen. Test run>: If you select this field, you can prevent write accesses to thedatabase. In this case, no repairs are performed. The reports successmessages refer to whether the repairs in the buffer were performedsuccessfully.Output If the dialog mode> is active, a list of the inconsistent personnumbers, infotypes, and personnel numbers is created. Irrespective of whether or not the dialog mode> is active, a listof success messages and error messages for the numbers that could notbe repaired is created.Examples Example 1>: Personnel numbers 1 and 2 have Molga 10 (USA) and belong to the sameperson (CP). Therefore, the Personal Data> infotype (0002) isgrouped for these personnel numbers. If data exists in this infotypefor personnel number 1 but not for personnel number 2, there is aninconsistency. This inconsistency is repaired by report RPUFIXDS asfollows:
- If the personnel numbers are repaired in the sequence 1, 2, the data
from infotype 0002 of personnel number 1 is copied to infotype 0002 ofpersonnel number 2.
- If the personnel numbers are repaired in the sequence 2, 1, infotype
0002 of personnel number 1 is deleted. Example 2>: Personnel number 1 is the only personnel number of a person (CP). If adifferent grouping value to the grouping value determined at runtime(from the customer settings) is saved in the data in infotype 0002, thedata is also considered inconsistent. In this case, the report onlycorrects the saved grouping value.