Title Find inactive employees eligible for Feriekonto transfer. Purpose Introduction> Improvement in the usage of “Feriekonto”. The task of Feriekonto is toaccumulate vacation allowances (“feriepenge”) for workers and then payit out at certain occasions. The amounts are deposited in accounts bythe employers, either on a monthly basis or on a quarterly basis. Mosttypical is on a quarterly basis. Issue> RPCALCM0 will not take inactive employees into consideration at the endof a quarter and thus no "feriepenge" will be transferred to theiraccounts at Feriekonto. A typical example is if an employee leaves thecompany, say on feb. 28. The payroll run at the end of March will thennot take this employee, which is thus inactive, into consideration andhis/hers “feriepenge” will not be transferred to Feriekonto. Solution> Report RPUFERM0 makes use of logical table PNP and finds all employeesaccording to the selection criteria in the selection screen. For eachemployee found, all information from the necessary infotypes isretrieved and the report performs several checks to determine whetherthe employee is eligible for transfer of “feriepenge”. The employeeseligible will have field "Run payroll up to" (P0003-ABWD1) in infotype3 changed allowing them to be taken into account during the nextpayroll run. Note:> This report merely places the end date entered in theselection screen in field "Run payroll up to" of infotype 3 of theeligible employees. By entering a date in this field the respectiveemployees will be taken into account in payrolls run up to this date,even though they are no longer active. This report does not trigger anypayroll run.Features Standard_variants 1_SAP_STAND Output Infotype 3 field "Run payroll up to" updated with the end date enteredin the selection screen. This update will though only happen if the"Test run" check box is not checked. Information about the result ofthe execution of the program is listed after execution. Activities Before executing the program enter the desired selection criteria. Testruns can be performed with the "test run" check-box marked. Selection criteria> Only employees matching the selection criteria in the selection screenwill be evaluated. As a standard there are four possibilities forlimiting the selection: Personnel number (range or single), Companycode, Payroll area and Leave schema. Leaving these fields blank menasthat the report will evaluate all employees in the system. It istherefore adviseble to narrow the selection criteria as much aspossible to reduce processing time. Criteria used to determine if an inactive employee is eligible for"feriepenge" transfer> ·,,The first check performed checks whether the employee belongs toLeave schema entered in the selection screen. If that's the case, theemployee will be processed further, if not the next employee in therange is processed. If the Leave schema field in the selection screenis blank, the employee will be processed. ·,,The actions record that overlaps the end of the period in questionis checked to determine whether the employee is/was active at the endof the period. For this purpose field “stat2” is checked. A valuedifferent than 3 means that the employee is not active. If the employeeis active it means that the employee will be taken into account duringpayroll run for that period, so no changes need to be performed forthis employee and the next employee is processed. If the employee isnot active it will be checked if the employee has been at all activeduring the rest of the period in question. ·,,It is now checked whether the employee has been active during otherparts of the period and if there has been any retroactive pay runs forthis employee while he/she was inactive. If the employee has beenactive at least once during the period, processing for this employeewill continue. Likewise, if the employee has not been at all active,but retroactive corrections have been run within the period, theemployee will also be processed. ·,,Field “pa0003-abwd1” ("Run payroll up to" ) is checked. If the datein this field is “lesser than” the date of the end of the period, thissame field is updated with the end date for the period. In case thedate in the field is “greater than” the date of the end of the period,it means the employee will be taken into account at a later payrollrun, so this employee is skipped and the next is processed. ·,,Statistical information is gathered during the processing ·,,The report also checks whether the user marked the check boxindicating that it is a test run. If it is a test run, field“pa0003-abwd1” ("Run payroll up to" ) is not updated, but statisticalinformation is gathered as if it were a real run. Information about the status of the execution of the report isdisplayed. The information is displayed in three parts. Part one is alist of the employees affected, part two shows the employees notaffected and the reasons why they were not affected and part threeshows how many employees affected, how many not affected and how manyprocessed in all. |