Description The program loads DTA files onto disk or deletes the originalfile (for example, if the payment has been made and the file is notneeded for a repeated run). The user has to be logged onto a SAP system by means of a computer sothat the copying can occur. The user has to specify the DTA file that was created by the printprogram in order to start the program. The name of the DTA file ismade up (in HR) in the following way: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ABAP/4 prefix is only set if it does not ! ! ! refer to a productive run ! ! ! ! ! File indicator, V01 or V02 ! ! ! Name of the report which was used to create this file. ! Client, in which the file was created. If the file was created in the productive run, then the ABAP/4 prefixis not put into the file name. Therefore, for the above example, thefile name would be '000.RPCDUTD0.V01' . Furthermore, the target drive, subdirectory and the name of the targetfile is also given. If the DTA file produced is to be created on another machine (forexample, on a batch machine) and if this machine, that was startedusing this program, does not have access to the subdirectory in whichthe source file is stored, then you receive an error message sayingthat the source file cannot be opened. |