Purpose This report enables you to update the date-dependent customizing entriesfor Flexible Benefits on a yearly basis. There are two kinds of tables for which this report is relevant:
- Time-dependent tables with additional date fields
An example of this kind is table Characteristics of Sources ( V_FBN_BRON_EIG>),,
- Time-independent tables with additional date fields
An example of this kind is table Establish Enrollment and ValidityPeriods (V_FBN_T5UB3_1>) The time-dependent table entries will be copied to new entries in whichthe date fields are forwarded exactly one year. The time-ndependenttable entries will be modified in such way that the date fields areforwarded exactly one year. The following views are updated with this report: Characteristics of Targets (V_FBN_DOEL_EIG)> Characteristics of Sources> (V_FBN_BRON_EIG) Entry Factor Absence Plans> (V_FBN_AFWPL_IND),, Settlement >(V_FBN_VERR) Establish Enrollment and Validity Periods> (V_FBN_T5UB3_1) Adjustment Reason: Additional Details for Update IT0378>(V_FBN_WZR_VOLG) Determine Adjustment Reasons> (V_FBN_T74HA )Prerequisites As the modifications of the time-independent table entries immediatelyinfluence the possibilities to choose by employees and the effects ofchoosing as well, the report should only be run at the point in timewhen choosing is not allowed. For example in the time between Christmasand new year. Selection The following options are available:
- The Benefit Area> field comprises a group of plans that applies to
a particular branch of the enterprise or to the entire enterprise. Abenefit area contains a code consisting of two characters and adescription and can be valid for a maximum of one country with onecurrency.
- With the Rerence date> field, the valid customizing is read from
the system in order to update the date dependent entries on a yearlybase.
- You can use the Test Mode> option to simulate the report, that is,
run the report in test mode. If you choose to run the report in testmode, the data base tables will not be updated.Output In the log, the following fields will be displayed: table and its name,the benefit area, the plan if relevant, the change reason if relevant,the absence quota group if relevant, the date field with itsdescription, the existing value and the new created value. Activities Execute the report by entering the desired benefitarea> and reference date>. The Test Mode is checked by default. Only if it is not checked, thedatabase tables are updated. Otherwise, only the ALV output isgenerated. Go to the message log via the corresponding upperleft button and analyzethe error messages if available. If necessary, execute manually the IMGactivities for the remaining entries. You can get there directly via thecorresponding link in the long text of the error message.