Purpose Use this report to display all infotype Flexible Benefits (NL)>0897 records that have status "Selected" (KZ). You will then be able toset all records to "Registered" (GR) simultaneously.Selection The following options are available in addition to the standard PNPselections: You can select a Benefit Area>> in "Other Selection". Thisis a group of plans that apply to a certain branch of the organization,or that are used for the entire organization. You can also select thedesired Program>>. A program is a collection of source andtarget benefits that a group of employees can choose from. In Reason for Change>> you can indicate that you only wish toselect records that were created using a particular reason for change. Areason for change is a personal or organizational change that affects anemployee and that allows him/her to alter his/her benefits choices.Output In addition to the data output, it is possible to request an overview ofrecords with "selected" status, which will contain the employee's nameand personnel number, the validity period of the infotype record, thebenefit area, program and reason for change. If you highlight the lineby clicking the box in front of it, you can then click on the Release >>button. You can also highlight all lines using thebutton with the green stripes (Function key F5). After releasing, you will se a registration report with a statisticaloverview showing message texts. The overview will state the following:
- The number of people in the ALV marked for collective registration
- The number of people whose registration was successful
- The number of people whose registration was not successful.
The reasons why registration was not carried out will also be displayed.All messages will also be shown, such as those produced via theAdministration Tool Flexible Benefits NL> ( RPCFBRN0>), in particular the error causes. Instead of immediately releasing, you can also jump to the normaladministration tool for the selected employees from the employeeoverview using the Administration Tool Flexible Benefits NL>>button. Use the Administration Tool Flexible Benefits NL >button to jumpto the normal administration tool for the selected employees.