Termination of Plan Participation Report for Flexible Benefits GB(RPUFBNTERM) Purpose You run this report to stop participation in currently enroled flexiblebenefits plans for employees who are leaving your organisation. You must select employees individually. You cannot run this report usinggroup selection, as the report is designed to run for individualemployees as part of overall leaving processing. Integration Report RPUFBNTERM reads the GB-specific infotype Pension GB>(0071), and delimits the employee's pension plan record stored in therelevant infotype 0071 subtype.Prerequisites The decision as to when you run this report will obviously be determinedby your organisation's specific business processes and rules governingflexible benefits specifically, and the employee leaving process moregenerally. Features
- Employee Selection>
You select the employee for which you wish to stop participation incurrently enroled flexible benefits plans using the features in theselection group box. Using Direct selection>, you can selectindividual employees for plan termination by specifying either theemployee's personnel or National Insurance number.
- Termination Group Boxes>
Once you have selected your employee for plan termination, yourselection appears in the group box Termination for>, which alsodisplays the date of termination (current system date). In this groupbox, you can also select the Overview >option, which displaysfurther details on enroled plans, plan costs, plan master data and plantimelines. In the lower group box, you select each plan for which you wish to stopparticipation for your selected employee and choose the Stopparticipation> option. Once you have confirmed this current plantermination selection, participation in the selected flexible benefitsplan is terminated from the current system date. To display full details on any particular plan, select the plan andchoose Display plan> . You can also generate a list of error messages from your run of reportRPUFBNTERM by choosing Error list>.Activities The following procedure relates to the process of terminating planparticipation for a single employee who is leaving your organisation: Call up report RPUFBNTERM in your R/3 System. Select the employee for whom you wish stop flexible benefits planparticipation by using the Direct selection> option in theSelection >group box. Select the employee by specifying either theemployee's personnel or National Insurance number. The name of your selected employee appears in Name >field of theTermination for >group box. The date of the termination isautomatically defaulted to the current system date. Select the desired plan category in the lower termination group boxselection group box and choose the Stop participation> option.Confirm your selection when prompted by the system. Follow this same procedure as outlined in step 4 above, for eachbenefits plan you wish to terminate for the selected employee. Save your entries.Result After you have run report RPUFBNTERM, you have terminated participationin all selected benefits plans for your chosen employee(s).