Employee Enrolment Reminder Report (RPUFBNREMIND) Purpose Prerequisites
Features Selection Use this group box to select the period for which you wish to run thereport. You can select one of five period options using the radiobuttons provided, or enter your own selection dates in the Use the You can further refine your selection criteria using benefit area,adjustment reason, program groupings and benefit plan in the Additional selection >group box, using the available F4 or multipleselection options. You must maintain the selection parameters Program grouping is a means of identifying a group of employees withcommon characteristics in order to determine the benefits programavailable for that group (macro-eligibility) on a high level. The GBFlexBens system sorts employees into first and second program groupingsduring processing, according to the corresponding feature.The programgrouping to which an employee belongs is stored in infotype Here, you specify your previously created TEXT file which the reportwill use as the text for the reminder e-mails. If you do not maintainthe field Output Activities Example |