Purpose The Group Enrolment Report integrates the GroupEnrolment Transaction for Core Benefits Plans> (HRFBN0012) and theGroup Enrolment Transaction for Standard BenefitsPlans> (HRFBN0013). RPUFBNGRPENROL is a batch program which allows youto pre-enrol either core or standard benefit plans for large numbers ofemployees. It can be processed in the background by selectingProgram >-> Execute in background>.Integration You can also use transaction HRFBN0001> topre-enrol employees. However, only individual employees can be enroledusing transaction HRFBN0001. Batch processing is not available usingthis transaction.Prerequisites During Flexible Benefits for Great Britain (GB FlexBens) implementation,you must:
- Configure all your required benefits plans as core benefit plans and
standard benefit plans in the Benefits Administration IMG, underFlexible Administration> -> Standard Selections.>
- Configure eligibility for each core benefit plan you define in the
Benefits Administration IMG, under: Flexible Administration> ->Programs >-> Employee Eligibility.>Features Key Date Group Box> You select the date for which you wish to run the report in this groupbox. You can select either the current system date or specify your ownkey date. Selection Group Box> Use this group box to select your employees for the group enrolment. Youcan determine the on-screen selection criteria for this report bychoosing the Further selections> option located above the Keydate> Group Box and specifying your required selection criteria usingthe tool provided. Additional Selection Group Box> You can further refine your selection criteria using benefit area andprogram grouping in this Group Box. Program grouping is a means of identifying a group of employees withcommon characteristics in order to determine the benefits programavailable for that group (macro-eligibility) on a high level. The GBFlexBens system sorts employees into first and second program groupingsduring processing, according to the corresponding feature. The program grouping to which an employee belongs is stored in infotypeGeneral Benefits> (0171). Core/Standard Plan Overview> Use the enroled plans options to display an overview of the enroledplans for your selected employees. Error List> You can also generate a listing of errors during your run of transactionHRFBN0012, using the Error list> option.Activities Execute Report RPUFBNGRPENROL. The GB Flexbens Group Enrolment selectionscreen for core/standard benefits appears. In the Group Box Key date>, select the key date for which you wishto run the group enrolment transaction. In the Group Box Selection>, specify your required selectioncriteria. In the Group Box Additional data>, specify any further selectioncriteria you require. In the Group Box Plan carrry forward>, maintain the Copy fromPrev.Year> indicator to carried forward an employee's flexible benefitselections from the previous to the current benefits year. Under Plan enrolment >, select either Core or Standard Plan. Once you have selected your plan, make a further selection of plan typeby selecting the plan type list. Execute Report RPUFBNGRPENROL. The GB Flexible Benefits Group Enrolment screen for your selected plantypes is displayed. Select your required employees for each benefits plan you wish to enroland choose Enrol>. Result> The GB Flexible Benefits system enrols each selected employee in therelevant core/standard benefits plans. It also sets a processing statusfor each employee indicating whether enrolment was successful or not.You can then use the Error list> function to display all errorsassociated with the current report run.