Purpose Report RPUFBNADJRSN is an extension of the International Benefits>report Mass Generation of Adjustment Reasons >(RPUBENADJRSN ).Compared with RPUBENADJRSN, report RPUFBNADJRSN also mass generatesadjustment reasons for a group of employees, but it also encorporates aspecial plan check. The report checks for any selected employees who have an active plan ofthe specified plan type within the specified period. For these employees , an adjustment reason will not be generated. This check thereforeprovides a convenient tool for Benefits Administrators to controladjustment reason generation.Prerequisites The adjustment reasons generated by report RPUFBNADJRSN arepre-configured in the system. You perform adjustment reasonconfiguration in the Benefits Administration >IMG, under:Benefits Adjustment Reasons>.Features Selection You specify a begin date for the adjustment reason on the reportRPUFBNADJRSN selection screen. This date can be either a system date ( Today>) or a user-specified date (Key Date>). You can also run the report for a group of employees by entering one ofthe following:
- Personnel numbers
- Benefit Area
- First program grouping
- Second program grouping
You must also specify the specific adjustment reason that needs to begenerated. Benefits Plan Check>> If you want to perform a plan check for the adjustment reason generation , select the button With Plan Check>. The group box PlanCheck> is now generated. In this group box, specify the plan type andchecking period in the relevant fields. The report will now also check for employees who have are enroled in anactive benefit plan of the type you specified, within your selectedchecking period. For each employee identified by this check, noadjustment reason will be generated.Output On execution from the selection screen, report RPUFBNADJRSN outputs atree structure view that lists all employees within your selectioncriteria. Employees are displayed as follows on the output screen:
- Employees for whom you wish to create adjustment reasons. These
employees can be assigned an adjustment reason as described in Activities>, below. There are also a further three groups of employees in the tree structure , for whom the generation of adjustment reasons is not possible: Employees already enrolled in an active plan of the specified check plantype within the checking period are locked. This is denoted by a greycheckbox, and a lock symbol in the column Status>. Furtherinformation is also given in the column Comment>. These employees are excluded from the mass generation of your specifiedadjustment reason. Employees who have previously been assigned the same adjustment reasonyou are currently generating (with the same adjustment reason effectiveperiod) are identified by an icon in the column Status. > Specific infotype information is also displayed in the columnComment>, for these employees. Employees who cannot be processed by this report for other reasons arealso denoted by a grey checkbox. Note>: Because the report performs an infotype operation, anyemployee locked by another master data transaction cannot be included inthe current report run.Activities On the selection screen for report RPUFBNADJRSN: Specify a begin date for the adjustment reason in the Key date>group box. Note>: The end date of the adjustment reason is calculated byconfiguration of the adjustment reason, in the IMG (see Prerequisites>, above). Specify the employees for whom you wish to generate the adjustmentreason using either Personnel Number or Benefit Area/Program Grouping. Specify the adjustment reason you wish to mass generate. If you want to perform a plan check for the adjustment reason generation , select the button With Plan Check>. The group box Plan Check> is now generated. In the group box Plan Check>, specify the plan type and checkingperiod in the relevant fields. Execute report RPUFBNADJRSN. The output screen Mass Generation of Adjustment Reasons> is nowdisplayed. From the output screen tree structure view, select the employees thatyou wish to create adjustment reasons for. Select the Create Adjustment Reason >button. Adjustment Reasons for the employees you selected in Step 7 are nowcreated [an infotype Adjustment Reasons> (0378) record]. Note>: If you use report RPUFBNADJRSN for mass adjustment reason generation forcertain benefits plans (for example Personal Computer Plan), then youshould run it periodically, according to the length of your adjustmentreason setting. See Example 2> below, for further details.Example Example 1: Private Medical Insurance Plan> [Mass generation of adjustment reason without >plan check] For employees who experience a life event (for example, newborn baby) ina given month, you: Mass generate a new baby event allowing the affected employees to modifytheir Private Medical Insurance Plan accordingly. Create an adjustment reason of "New Baby", and assign the PrivateMedical Insurance Plan to this adjustment reason. Run report RPUFBNADJRSN to mass generate the baby life event adjustmentreason for these employees. Example 2: Personal Computer (PC) Plan> [Mass generation of adjustment reason with >plan check] Your organisation administers a Flexible Benefits scheme, with abenefits year running from 01 January to 31 December. Open enrolment forthe forthcoming benefits year is between 01 and 31 December in theprevious year. You offer a three-year PC Plan to your employees, whomust enrol the plan outside of the open (annual) enrolment period, usinga PC Plan adjustment reason assigned to them. You also are required by your PC plan provider to submit your lists ofnewly-enroled employees only on a quarterly basis. In order to administer the PC Plan for the first quarter of the newbenefits year, you carry out the following: Create an adjustment reason for the PC Plan on January 02, and set avalidity period of 70 days for this adjustment reason. Run report RPUFBNADJRSN (with plan checking activated: see Steps 4 and 5under Activities >) to create PC Plan adjustment reasons for yourselected employees. During the generation of the adjustment reasons, the system checks forany employees already enroled in the PC Plan. For these employees, noadjustment reason is generated. Notify the eligible employees that an adjustment reason for the PC planhas been assigned to them. Employees can now enrol in the PC Plan using Employee Self Service,until 12 March. Run the Provider Report For Flexible Benefits>(RPUFBN71) on 14 March. This produces a listing of newly-enroled employees in the PC Plan forthe first quarter of the current benefits year. You submit the listing of employees requiring PCs to the PC planprovider on 15 March. The PC Plan provider supplies PCs to the specified employees by 01 April , the date when the PC Plan becomes effective. Note 1>: The effective dates for this PC plan will be 01.04.XXXX to 31.03.XXXX+3,where XXXX denotes the current benefits year. You can set your own start date for Flexible Benefits Plans in thissituation, as follows: For Health and Insurance Plans: Use the International Benefits>User Exit PBEN0022> For Miscellaneous Plans (including PC Plans): Use the Flexible BenefitsBusiness Add-In PFBN0004>. Note 2>: Increasing numbers of benefits providers are requiring organisations tosubmit PC requests only on a quarterly basis. Therefore, it is likelythat you will need to create PC Plan adjustment reasons and run reportRPUFBNADJRSN on a quarterly basis, with timeframes similar to thosegiven for the first quarter of the benefits year in Example 2>.