Provider Report for Flexible Benefits GB (RPUFBN71) Purpose You run the Provider Report for Flexible Benefits GB> to outputplan participation data and other relevant employee data on a given dateto external benefits providers. This output can also be downloaded intoan Excel format, or saved as a temporary sequential (TemSe) file asrequired. The provider report is essential for any organisation offering benefitsto their employees, as the provision of information to benefitsproviders completes the enrolment process and ensures the coverageselected is operational from the plan's effective date. All benefits providers require a summary report following enrolment,containing a list of all employees who have selected the given flexiblebenefit. However, some providers require a complete list per givenperiod, or at least require that provider-related data be available ondemand from an organisation with whom they work. However, the type ofinformation required by benefits providers varies depending on thenature of the benefit. For example, insurance providers requiredifferent information from health-related providers. The common reportformat that providers can work with is Excel, so it is fundamental thatany report run for a provider can be downloaded into this file format. The Provider Report for Flexible Benefits >(GB) provides featuresto meet the above provider information requirements.Prerequisites For Flexible Benefits GB insurance plans, report RPUFBN71 reads therelevant data from the infotype Family Member/Dependant >(0021)record. In order that this report can read infotype 0021, you mustmaintain the customising view MaintainDependent-Relevant Information for Provider Report RPUFBN71>(V_T74_FBN13) to specify which type of family member is covered in theinsurance plan as a dependant.Features The selection screen for the Provider Report for Flexible BenefitsGB >has the following features:
- Report Date Field>
You enter in this field the date for which you wish to output providerdata.
- Selection Group Box>
Use this group box to specify your required report selection criteria.
- Additional Information Group Box>
Set the indicators Health Plans,> Insurance Plans> andMiscellaneous Plans >to output provider data for these plans asrequired. Set the indicator Test run> if you wish to run report in testmode. In test mode, no TemSe files are generated. Otherwise, you shouldindicate a TemSe file index number which will form part of the TemSefile name. This TemSe file can be used later as a comparision file, whenyou want to display only changes. Set the indicator Changes only >if you wish to display onlychanges made to records. If you set this indicator, you must alsospecify a comparison TemSe file index number. The report will thengenerate the changes by comparison with this TemSe file. Set the indicator Also display comparison data >if you wish toidentify which data has changed since the last run of the report. You determine the exact data to be included in the provider report bychoosing the Field Selection> option and specifying your requireddata for output. Note:> The following data are available for inclusion in the report : First Name & Last Name Employee Personnel Number Home Address & Home Phone Number Date of Birth Email Address Gender Job Title & Start Date of Employment Department & Cost Centre Plan Effective Date Date of Leaving & Date of Change Policy Number & Monthly Premium Coverage Level & Option Selected Pre-Flex Salary Dependant Details: Name & Date of Birth Persons Covered by Policy You select which data is to be included in the report depending on whichprovider you are running the report for. The selection screens can thenbe saved as variants for future use. You can choose to display eitherall relevant data or only those records that have been changed since aspecified report date. For example, you may want to send a full set ofdata to the provider initially, and subsequently communicate updatesonly. You can also save the result data toTemSe files to log changes to therelevant data.Output The Provider Report for Flexible Benefits GB >is outputted usingABAP List Viewer (ALV) Grid Control. This allows you to change thelayout of the list interactively using any of the available fields. You can also download the report output into an Excel or TemSe format,as previously described. For more information about the functions of the ALV Grid Control tool,see the SAP Library, under: mySAP Technology Components> ->SAP Web Application Server >-> Basis Services/CommunicationInterfaces (BC-SRV)> -> SAP List Viewer (BC-SRV-ALV) >-> ALVGrid Control (BC-SRV-ALV)>.Activities Choose the Provider Report for Flexible Benefits GB>. The selection screen for this report appears. Enter the ID of the benefits provider for whom you wish to generateprovider data, in the field Provider>. In the field Report Date, >enter the date for which you wish tooutput provider data. Specify your required report selection criteria using the Selection>group box. Set the indicators Health Plans,> Insurance Plans> andMiscellaneous Plans >to output provider data for these plans asrequired. Set the indicator Test run> as required, Set the Changes only >indicator as required. Set the Also display comparision data >indicator as required. Determine the exact data to be included in your provider report bychoosing the Field Selection> option and specifying your requireddata for output. Execute report RPUFBN71.