Enrolment Statistics Report (RPUFBN19) Purpose The Enrolment Statistics Report (RPUFBN19) counts employee enrolmentsmade on each day in a series of days. For each day in the range youspecify, the report counts the enrolments for which the relevantinfotype record last changed (normally the creation date of theinfotype). The report shows enrolments made on the selected dates and not planparticipation or employee benefits elections. The results of this report are only accurate if you implement benefitplan enrolment using Employee Self-Service (ESS) for GB FlexBens . Ifyour employees enrol by means of forms that are processed by yourBenefits department, any enrolments not yet entered in the system on thedate you run the report will not be included. The statistics generated by this report give you an indication ofenrolment progress, and are therefore only useful when applied to aspecific period of enrolment, for example, an annual (open) enrolmentperiod. Prerequisites You must specify a reporting period of between 1 and 100 days. ReportRPUFBN19 will return an information message if you select a reportingperiod longer than the maximum specified above, and the period willautomatically be reduced to 100 days (from the start date). Features Selection The selection screen for report RPUFBN19 has the following features:
- Selection Group Box>
Use the Personnel Number >field to select your required employeesfor inclusion in this report. You can also specify additional selectioncriteria by using the Further selections> option.
- Additional Data Group Box>
Using the available F4 or multiple selection options, you restrict dataselection in this group box using the following parameters: Personnel number Type of enrollment Plan category Benefit area First Program grouping Second Program grouping Plan type Benefit plan Note>:> Program grouping is a means of identifying a group of employees withcommon characteristics in order to determine the benefits programavailable for that group (macro-eligibility) on a high level. The GBFlexBens system sorts employees into first and second program groupingsduring processing, according to the corresponding feature.The programgrouping to which an employee belongs is stored in infotype GeneralBenefits Information >(0171).
- Period Group Box>
Use this group box to select the period for which you wish to run thereport. Use the Start >field together with the To >field todefine your required reporting period.
- Count Group Box>
Here, you select either Persons >if you want to produce data onthe number of persons who have enroled in one or more plans, orPlans >if you want to produce data on the number of enrolments ineach plan.
- Summary Group Box>
Here, you select either Discreet >if you want to produce data onthe number of enrolments for each day, or Cumulative >if you wantto report on the cumulative total of enrolments to date.Output The Enrolment Statistics Report is outputted in an ABAP List Viewer(ALV) format. You can also download the report output into an Excel orother local file as required. The report lists enrolments numbers foreach day in the specified range, sorted by the following:
- Benefit area
- Plan type
- Plan
If you selected Persons >in the Count >group box, the listis sorted by benefit area only. The report output is displayed using ABAP List Viewer (ALV) GridControl. This allows you to change the layout of the list interactivelyusing any of the available fields. For more information about the functions of the ALV Grid Control tool,see the SAP Library, under: mySAP Technology Components> ->SAP Web Application Server >-> Basis Services/CommunicationInterfaces (BC-SRV)> -> SAP List Viewer (BC-SRV-ALV) >-> ALVGrid Control (BC-SRV-ALV)>.Activities Choose the Enrolment Statistics Report (RPUFBN19). The selection screen for this report appears. Specify your required report selection criteria using the Selection>group box. Specify any additional report selection criteria using theAdditional data >group box. Maintain the Start >and To >fields in the Period>group box to determine the dates for which you wish to output thestatistics. This period cannot be longer than 100 days. Choose your required reporting output in the Count >group box. Choose your required reporting output in the Summary >group box. Execute report RPUFBN19. Note>: If you select the radio buttons Persons >andDiscreet >on the selection screen, you will be able to display amore detailed list of enrolled employees from the report output screen.Example You can use this report to monitor the volume of employee enrolmentsmade in ESS during the annual (open) enrolment period.