Purpose This program is intended to facilitate the display and maintenance ofdata in table T5F1H for the user. This table contains particular rules linked to the calculation of theassessment bases for contributions. Prerequisites Table T5F1H must be set. Features Selection The program screen is divided into three screens, each corresponding toa different level of detail. The general screen 'Assessment basis modifications' >(left-handlist contains all the assessment bases which have been subject tomodification and indicates the modified element. This may be: the assessment basis the base (level A, B or C for employee or employer contributions) the contribution (level A, B or C for employee or employercontributions) the upper limit (level A, B or C for employer contributions). The three icons situated above the list of assessment basismodifications will enable you to perform the following operations:
- 'Create'> a new modification. The system then proposes the
assessment basis modification assistant which summarizes the variousstages for the generation of an assessment basis modification and guidesyou through these stages.
- 'Delete'> an existing modification. The deletion will be
transferred to the data base once the deletion request has been confirme d and modifications saved.
- 'Copy'> a modification.
The screen 'List of operations'> (at the top to the right) can beaccessed by simply clicking on an assessment basis modification. The table displayed presents the sequence of operations effected for theassessment basis modification selected. Each operation is identified bya sequence number and a validity period. Several operations may have thesame sequence number, on condition that the validity period is not thesame. A text also explains the action effected for each operation. The icon placed at the beginning of the line for each operationindicates to the user whether the operation is coherent or whetherproblems have been encountered. Clicking on this icon displays a dialogwindow that explains the problem and provides a solution. a green circle indicates that there is no problem; an orange triangle indicates an incoherence that does not interrupt theprocessing; a red square indicates an error likely to interrupt the processing. For example, an incorrect code of operation or several currenciesdefined for the validity period of the operation. The four icons situated above the list of operations will enable you toperform the following operations: 'Selection of operations displayed'> filters the operations sothat only operations for which a validity period is included (totally orpartially) in a given period are displayed. By default, the operations displayed are the operations for which thevalidity period is included totally or partially in the period betweenthe day's date and the 31/12/9999. 'Insert an operation'> inserts a new operation before theoperation selected. This implies the modification of the sequence numberfor all the following operations. If no operation has been selected, the new operation will be inserted atthe end of the sequence. Its period of validity will begin at the dateof insertion and will terminate on 31/12/9999. 'Delimit an operation'> copies an operation selected, byattributing a new validity date to the new operation. The validity enddate of the operation selected will be reduced as a result. 'Delete the operation'> If the operation to be destroyed is neither the first nor the last inthe sequence for the same sequence number, the deletion will leave anempty period (for which the sequence number has no correspondingoperation) between the validity period of the preceding operation andthe validity period of the following operation. The system proposes a modification of the validity period of thepreceding or following operation to fill in this gap. The user is thenfree to validate or not validate this modification The screen 'Data entry >(at the bottom to the right) can beaccessed by simply clicking on one of the lines of the operationssequence. It provides the details of the data entered for the operationselected and is used to modify this data. If the user modifies the validity dates of the basic data, the systemthen displays a message requesting confirmation. Once the modifications have been entered, the user must validate themusing the corresponding button in the screen.Output The program updates the setting for table T5F1H depending on themodifications that you have entered. Activities A customizing transport is indispensable for the exportation of datafrom this program to your productive system.