Title Updates of thresholds and associated tables. Purpose This program updates the thresholds of the contribution bases (tableT5F1G), and possibly the Social Security thresholds (TRANA constant ofthe T511K table). It also reconciles the validity dates forcontributions (T5F1C) with particular rules (T5F1H) concerning themodified bases. Features Selection The date at which the new threshold comes into effect must be enteredinto the selection screen and may not be prior to the date at which theprevious threshold comes into effect. For the Social Security threshold,this date must be January 1 or July 1, unless it corresponds to the daywhen the payroll currency changes (switch to the Euro). The values before and after the updating of the threshold must also beentered into the selection screen. As a general rule, the new value mustbe greater than the previous value, unless the new threshold comes intoeffect on the day of the switch to the new payroll currency. The recording that corresponds to the threshold> (of the SocialSecurity or the A level for a given threshold) is delimited and a newrecording is created to indicate the new value and the new validityperiod for this threshold. If the new period coincides with the previousperiod, the systems carries out an update without delimitation. For each threshold> to be processed, the program calculatesproportionally the new values of the thresholds for level B and C. The contributions which use the base considered are delimited in thesame way as the latter; this is true also for the particular rulesassociated with this base. Important! The Social Security threshold is integrated only if the correspondingupdate checkbox is marked. No update is performed in the database if the checkbox 'simulation' > is marked. Note: The values that indicate the threshold absence (equal to or greater than999999999,00) cannot be modified by this program. To limit a level whichhas no limit initially, the view management must be used (transactionSM30).Output The program displays a list of modified bases. Using this list it is now possible, by positioning the cursor on a base and clicking on the button"Modif. Contr.">, to display the list of contributions assigned bythe change in threshold. by using the button"Modif. Rules">, to display a list ofparticular rules assigned by the change in threshold. |