Title Updating of rates and amounts in table T5F1C. Description This program updates the fixed rate and amounts which are required forthe calculation of the social contributions and which are definedbeforehand in table T5F1C. Prerequisites The settings described in the IMG chapter 'Managepercentages, assign wage types'> must have been performed beforehand.Activities The previous fixed rates and amounts (employee's contribution andemployer's contribution), the new fixed rates and amounts as well as thevalidity start date are to be entered into the selection screen. You can limit the selection by filling in the charge collectororganizations and the social contributions that you wish to find. The program reads table T5F1C in order to find all the recordingscorresponding to the following criteria:
- collector organization (one of the organizations selected)
- social contribution (one of the contributions selected)
- validity end date (upper expiration date of the system -> 31.12.9999)
- social contribution rate (corresponding previous rate) or> fixed
amount (corresponding previous amount). Note: If you mark the 'Simulation' checkbox, the desired modifications are notrecorded in the table T5F1C. It is in your interests to check themodifications before updating the recordings in the database. If the checkbox 'Simulation' is not marked, recordings corresponding tonew fixed rate and amount values will be created in table T5F1C with thestart date that you have entered, if this date is identical orsubsequent to the initial start date for the recording in question. In the event that the desired start date is subsequent to the initialstart date, the latter will be integrated as validity start date for themodification desired.Features The program does not authorize the creation of fixed rates or amountsthat will not for the moment be defined in table T5F1C (Message:Creation of a new fixed rate/amount not processed by the program)because this activity requires the entry of new payroll wage types andpossibly the modification of the base of your contribution. This must beperformed in the settings directly. Important! Conversely, (previous value not nil and new value nil) the programautomatically deletes the obsolete payroll wage types. Output The program displays all the information entered in list form. Thefollowing data is indicated:
- charges collector organization
- social contribution
- base
- validity start date
and on the following lines:
- designation of the rate or amount
- previous value
- new value
- action of the program (column marked by '=?').
The action of the program is represented by the icon 'OK' if theprevious value and the new value match, or otherwise by the icon'Modify' which results in the modification of a recording in tableT5F1C.