Title Utility to upload promotion data and populate Infotype 0033 Purpose The purpose of this utility is to upload a text file in the backgroundin order to populate employee records in subtype PR of Infotype 0033. Integration This utility is used in concert with a second utility,RPUEOSU0>. The text file downloaded to a local driveby RPUEOSU0 is later uploaded into Infotype 0033 by this utility.Prerequisites The text file containing employee promotions data, which is generatedby utility RPUEOSU0, must exist on your local drive. If you have notconfigured promotion actions/events, then you may also create this textfile manually. Each line in the file represents an employee'spromotion. If an employee has more than one promotion during the pastyear, then you need to choose the last promotion of the employee. Thefile format is as follows. 'Personnel number' 'Employee name' 'Action end date' 'Action begindate' 'Action code' 'Reason code' 'Employment status' The date format is 'MM/DD/YYYY' and the fields in the text file aredelimited by tabs. Features Selection Specify the location and name of the text file on the selection screen.(Other selection criteria for the background upload process areautomatically defaulted.) Output Employee records corresponding to the text file are created in subtypePR> of Infotype 0033. The system records the begin and end datesof the infotype record as the begin date of the promotionactions/events.Activities Execute the utility to upload the desired promotions data into datarecords within subtype PR> of Infotype 0033. When doing so,follow the batch input process activities until the utility hasfinished uploading all data. |