Title Utility to download promotions based on events to local drive Purpose The purpose of this utility is to help users identify and downloademployee promotions data that is based on customized actions/events.The file to which promotions data is downloaded is used by anotherutility, RPUEOSU1, to populate employees' Infotype 0033 records for usein the Equal Opportunity Survey> (RPLEOSU0), whichrequires statistics on the basis of promotions.Integration This utility is used in concert with a second utility,RPUEOSU1>.Prerequisites Before running this utility, you must identify the customizedactions/events and reasons that qualify as promotions for the purposesof the Equal Opportunity Survey. If no such actions or reasons exist,then it is not necessary to run this utility program or RPUEOSU1. Features Selection On the selection screen, in addition to standard selection criteria,specify the actions/events and reasons that are to be identified aspromotions. The evaluation period is defaulted to the most recently completedcalendar year. If necessary, you may change the evaluation period onthe selection screen. Output The utility produces a text file on the specified drive, whose formatis as follows. 'Personnel number' "Employee name' 'Action end date' 'Action begindate' 'Action code' 'Reason code' 'Employment status' The date format is 'MM/DD/YYYY' and the fields in the text file aredelimited by tabs. Activities Specify the appropriate selection criteria, then execute the utility todownload the desired promotions data. |