Purpose This program enables you to change the currency of all company loans inyour system from the old national currency to the euro. Existingrecords of infotypes 0045 Loans> and 0078 Loan Payments>whose valid from dates precede the changeover key date are delimited onthe key date. The system creates new records with euro amounts that arevalid as of the key date. Infotype records whose valid from dates comeafter the key date are changed over to the euro. After the changeover, create all new loan records in the euro, even ifit is possible during the dual currency phase to create amounts in anold national currency. Do not create or change any HR master data while the program isrunning.Integration Once loan amounts have been changed over successfully, you can informyour employees of the changes (repayment, balance in euros, and so on).To do so, use program RPUEMU77> (InformationNotice After EMU Currency Changeover)>. Note that program RPUEMU77does not take loan payments (for example special repayments) intoaccount.Features The program translates the repayment installment and/or annuityinstallment stored in infotype 0045 Loans> for all employees witha company loan on or after the key date. You can also translate the approved loan amount, loan payments, and inGermany the imputed income. You are advised to change the approved loan amount and payments over tothe euro because all display amounts, for example, such as the balancerefer to the currency of the approved loan amount. If you do not specify anything else, during the Euro conversion thesystem rounds up the installments, and rounds the other loan amounts upor down to the nearest whole number. You can also determine thatamounts are rounded in a certain way, by specifying different roundingdivisors and rounding types for different loan amounts. You can perform a test run. You are advised to create an output list so you can check the result ofthe changeover. You can execute the program more than once. You must specify the samekey date each time. Amounts that have already been changed over areignored by a repeat run and are not included in the output list again.Selection
- Changeover key date>
Note that the changeover key date should be within the dual currencyphase. This period is determined in table T500W (Valid CountryCurrencies)>.
- Treatment of installments>
For repayment or annuity installments, the default entry when you startthe program is Round Up>. If you want, you can enter a differentrounding type. Note> We recommend that you round up the installment. If you do not, youcould have problems if you convert to euro an infotype record of theLoan> infotype (0045) that was already delimited before theconversion. If, at the time of the euro conversion, the system roundsdown the installments for such a loan, the rounding differences may bemultiplied in such a way - depending on the number of installments left- that after the conversion the loan is not completely paid off by theoriginal validity end date of the infotype record. In such a case, abalance of a few cents would remain open. This would lead to atermination of payroll for the employee concerned, since the infotyperecord is already delimited.
- Treatment of approval amount>
This field enables you to specify whether the approved loan amount ischanged over to the euro. If required, you can also enter a roundingdivisor and a rounding type.