Description As a result of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), the currencyand amount fields of the Bank Details> (PA0009), Ext. BankTransfers> (PA0011), Recurring Payments/Deductions> (PA0014),Additional Payments> (PA0015), Internal Data> (PA0032),Insurance> (PA0037), Membership Fees> (PA0057),Additional Abs. Data> (PA0082), Leave EntitlementCompensation> (PA0083), Time Quota Compensation> (PA0416), andEE Remuneration Info> (PA2010) infotype tables must be changedover from the old national currency to the euro. You cannot> use this report to perform the changeover for theAbsences> (PA2001), Attendances> (PA2002),Substitutions> (PA2003), Availability> (PA2004), andOvertime> (PA2005) infotypes. Use report RPUEMTIM > instead. This report performs the changeover on a specified key date in datarecords containing the specified old currency for all of the selectedinfotype tables. Note
- Only directly valuated records are changed over for infotypes PA0014
Recurring Payments/Deductions> and PA0015 Additional Payments >. Indirectly valuated records are changed over by reportRPUEMU00>.
- Factoring does not take place in payroll for infotypes PA0011 Ext.
Bank Transfers> and PA0014 Recurring Payments/Deductions>.Please ensure that these infotypes are not changed over within apayroll period. If they are changed over within a payroll period, boththe old and new amounts are taken into account.
- The amount field is only converted for infotypes PA0011 Ext. Bank
Transfers>, PA0014 Recur. Payments/Deds.>, PA0015Additional Payments>, PA0057 Membership Fees>, PA0416Time Quota Compensation> and PA2010 Employee RemunerationInfo> if the coding of assigned wage types in processing class 22 oftable T512W enables the amount to be converted. Report Selection Screen> The selection screen enables you to enter the following selectioncriteria which are then used by the report to perform the currencychangeover.
- Key date of changeover>
Enter the date as of which the currency must change over from the oldcurrency to the euro. Note that the changeover key date must be in thedual currency phase or be set to the date immediately after the dualcurrency phase. The dual currency phase is determined in table T500WValid Country Currencies>.
- Old currency>
Use this field to enter the old national currency to be changed over toeuro. You can only enter currencies (see the input help) for which adual currency phase has been determined in table T500W ValidCountry Currencies>.
- New currency>
This field enables you to enter the currency to which the old currencyis changed over. This is usually the euro. You can only entercurrencies (see the input help) that have been specified in a dualcurrency phase in table T500W Valid Country Currencies>. All of the data records that belong to the selected combinations arechanged over in the infotype tables. Affected Infotype Tables>
- PA0009> (HR master record for IT 0009 Bank Details>)
The "default value" amount field (PA0009-BETRG) is changed over at thesame time as table T500C Currency for Public Service Sector>, andnot in this report. This is necessary because the T500C-WAERS currencyfield is the reference field for the "default value" amount field(PA0009-BETRG). This report only changes over the "currency key"currency field (PA0009-WAERS). It specifies the currency in which theamount is transferred. Data records whose start dates are earlier than the changeover key dateare delimited with the old currency on the changeover key date. If theend date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, newentries are simultaneously created with the new currency. The currency is simply changed for data records whose start dates arelater than or the same as the changeover key date. Existing general texts for infotype 0009 Bank Details> arecopied. Note Do not perform the changeover for records of the Bank Details>infotype (0009) until there are no more bank transfers to be made inthe old currency. When you perform the changeover depends on theconcrete payroll methods. Examples: In January 2002 you run payroll for December 2001. In the case ofretroactive payroll, the system reads the IT 0009 record valid on thesystem date of the payroll run. If the IT 0009 record has already beenchanged over (in other words as of 01.01.2002 a record exists with thecurrency EURO), the system generates the BT table in the payroll resultwith currency EURO. The data medium exchange program also performs thebank transfer in EURO. In December 2001 you run payroll for the payroll period January 2002.In that case payroll takes the IT 0009 record valid in the payrollperiod (January 2002) in order to determine the transfer currency. IfIT 0009 is already changed over (in other words, as of 01.01.2002 arecord exists with the currency EURO), the bank transfer currency isalso euro. On the other hand, if the Bank Details> infotype (0009) has notbeen changed over at the time you run payroll, the system determinesthe transfer amounts in the two examples above in the old currency.
- PA0011> (HR master record for IT 0011 Ext. Bank Transfers>)
Data records whose start dates are earlier than the changeover key dateare delimited with the old currency on the changeover key date. If theend date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, newentries are simultaneously created with the new currency. The amounts are simply changed over for data records whose start datesare later than or the same as the changeover key date. The "currency key" currency field (PA0011-WAERS) and "wage type amountfor payments" amount field (PA0011-BETRG) are processed. Existing general texts for infotype 0011 Ext. Bank Transfers> arecopied.
- PA0014> (HR master record for IT 0014 Recurring
Payments/Deductions> Only directly valuated data records are changed over. Data records whose start dates are earlier than the changeover key dateare delimited with the old currency on the changeover key date. If theend date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, newentries are simultaneously created with the new currency. The amounts are simply changed over for data records whose start datesare later than or the same as the changeover key date. The "currency key" currency field (PA0014-WAERS) and "wage type amountfor payments" amount field (PA0014-BETRG) are processed. If a reason for change has been entered, it is entered for the new(euro) record, otherwise the old one is retained. The reason for changeis not entered for data records whose start dates are later than or thesame as the changeover key date so that the original reason is notoverwritten. Existing general texts for infotype 0014 RecurringPayments/Deductions> are copied, as well as any different accountassignments.
- PA0015> (HR master record for IT 0015 Additional Payments>
Only directly valuated data records are changed over. If data records have a key date that is later than or the same as thechangeover key date, the amounts are changed over and the currency ischanged to the new currency. The "currency key" currency field (PA0015-WAERS) and "wage type amountfor payments" amount field (PA0015-BETRG) are processed. Existing general texts for infotype 0015 Additional Payments> arenot changed. The same applies to any different account assignments.
- PA0032> (HR master record for IT 0032 Internal Data>
Data records whose start dates are earlier than the changeover key dateare delimited with the old currency on the changeover key date. If theend date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, newentries are simultaneously created with the new currency. The amounts are simply changed over for data records whose start datesare later than or the same as the changeover key date. The "currency key" currency field (PA0032-WAERS) and "car value" amountfield (PA0032-PKWWR) are processed. Existing general texts for the Internal Data> infotype arecopied.
- PA0037> (HR master record for IT 0037 Insurance>)
Data records whose start dates are earlier than the changeover key dateare delimited with the old currency on the changeover key date. If theend date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, newentries are simultaneously created with the new currency. The amounts are simply changed over for data records whose start datesare later than or the same as the changeover key date. The "currency key" currency field (PA0037-WAERS) and "amount insured"(PA0037-VSSUM), "amount insured" (PA0037-VERS1), "amount insured"(PA0037-VERS2), "insurance premium basis" (PA0037-PRBAS), and"insurance premium" (PA0037-VSPRA) amount fields are processed. Existing general texts for infotype 0037 Insurance> are copied.
- PA0057> (HR master record for IT 0057 Membership Fees>)
Data records whose start dates are earlier than the changeover key dateare delimited with the old currency on the changeover key date. If theend date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, newentries are simultaneously created with the new currency. The amounts are simply changed over for data records whose start datesare later than or the same as the changeover key date. The "currency key" currency field (PA0057-WAERS) and "membership fees"amount field (PA0057-BETRG) are processed. Existing general texts for infotype 0057 Membership Fees> arecopied.
- PA0082> (HR master record for IT 0082 Additional Abs. Data
>) Infotype table PA0082 is based on key dates, which means you are notrequired to delimit its data records. If data records start on a datethat is later than or the same as the changeover key date, theiramounts are changed over. Existing general texts for infotype 0082 Additional Abs. Data>are not changed. The "currency key" currency field (PA0082-WAERS) and "estimated costs"amount field (PA0082-TCOST) are processed.
- PA0083> (HR master record for IT 0083 Leave Entitlement
Compensation>) Infotype table PA0083 is based on key dates, which means you are notrequired to delimit its data records. If data records start on a datethat is later than or the same as the changeover key date, theiramounts are changed over. Existing general texts for infotype 0083 Leave EntitlementCompensation> are not changed. The "currency key" currency field (PA0083-WAERS) and "amount for timequota compensation" amount fields (PA0083-BTR01, PA0083-BTR02,PA0083-BTR03, PA0083-BTR04, PA0083-BTR05, PA0083-BTR06) are processed.
- PA0416> (HR master record for IT 0416 Time Quota Compensation
>) Infotype table PA0416 is based on key dates, which means you are notrequired to delimit its data records. If data records start on a datethat is later than or the same as the changeover key date, theiramounts are changed over. Existing general texts for infotype 0416 Time Quota Compensation>are not changed. The "currency key" currency field (PA0416-WAERS) and "amount for timequota compensation" amount field (PA0416-AMONT) are processed.
- PA2010> (HR master record for IT 2010 EE Remuneration Info
>) Infotype table PA2010 is based on key dates, which means you are notrequired to delimit its data records. If data records start on a datethat is later than or the same as the changeover key date, theiramounts are changed over. Existing general texts for infotype 2010 EE Remuneration Info>and account assignment information are not changed. The "currency key" currency field (PA2010-WAERS) and "valuation basisfor different payment" (PA2010-BWGRL) and "wage type amount forpayments" (PA2010-B2TRG) amount fields are processed.
- The validity period for the old national currency and the validity
period for the euro have been determined for a country in table T500WValid Country Currencies>. The dual currency phase results fromthese two entries.