Description You can use this report to convert the customizing tables inCompensation Management for the European Currency Union. (This onlyaffects tables that are not dependent on pay scale or pay gradestructures. Tables that are dependent on pay scales are converted withreport RPUEMU00>) (Currency conversion EMU for payscales). Report Selection Screen> You can enter the following parameters on the selection screen:
- Changeover Date>
Enter the day on which the pay scale currency should be converted fromthe old domestic currency into the euro. The changeover key date mustbe in the double currency phase. This period is defined in theValid Country Currency> (T500W) table.
- Country Grouping>
Enter the country grouping of the country to be converted. All entriesin tables T71CD and T71E0 whose compensation areas belong to thiscountry grouping (according to table T71C3) are selected.
- Changeover Options>
You can enter an increase percentage> (except for T71E0),rounding divisors> and rounding types> for the customizingtables on the selection screen. You can convert the table separately:Only the tables selected are converted.
- Test Run>
This parameter determines whether the conversion is just simulated orwhether the changes are written to the database. In a test run, all therecords that are changed are listed in a log. In this way, you cancheck the results of conversion, increases and roundings. Only those data records that still have the old domestic currency(table T500W) are converted. All other records are not changed. In thefollowing cases, the following message is displayed at the end of thelog:
- Data record already contains the new domestic currency (warning)
- Data record contains a currency that does not comply with the old or
the new domestic currency (warning)
- The record's currency field is empty although the corresponding amount
field is filled (error) In all three cases, the record is not converted with the key named inthe message. The editing process is not cancelled, and the programproceeds as normal. If an error occurs, you can manually edit thecurrency fields of the affected records. You can then restart thereport. There are two types of data records in conversion: The data record's validity is after the changeover date. In this case, the amounts are converted into the relevant currency andthe data records are saved with the new currency. These records arejust changed (and not delimited). The changeover data lies within the data record's validity period. The existing data record is delimited. A new data record is created andthe amounts are converted into the relevant currency for the periodstarting as of the changeover date. The other data records are not changed. Customizing Tables Affected>
- T71C03> (Stock Components)
The number of converted records is displayed in the log. In a testcase, the following fields are displayed for each converted record: Compensation component, compensation area, old start and end date, oldand new stock price.
- T71E0> (Guidelines)
The number of converted records is displayed in the log. In a testcase, the following fields are displayed for each converted record: Compensation area, guideline, old start and end date, old and new fixedamount.
- T71GV> (Value Table for Compensation Matrix)
The currency for the amounts stored in this table can be found in tableT71G0 (compensation matrix). For consistency reasons, these tables, aswell as T71GS (dimension segments of compensation matrix) and T71GST(dimension segment texts) are converted together. For each converted matrix, the fields Compensation area, Matrix, andold start and end date are displayed, as well as the number ofconverted or delimited segments (dimension segments), segment texts andmatrix entries. In a test case, for the first entry of each matrix, thecoordinates, and the old and new amounts are also displayed. Reaction to Errors or Cancellations> You can restart the report even after having run the reportproductively (for example after cancelling). The report does not changealready converted records (as their currency field contains the newcountry currency, and not the previous), and therefore only displayswarnings for these records, which should not be ignored by the user.Precondition Run this report in the productive system, but not if the system isrunning. Note RESET N1 First run the report using the test mode to get an overview of the datarecords that are affected. The amounts are converted using the exchange rate type 'M'. Thechangeover date is used as the day of exchange.