Description As a result of European Monetary Union (EMU), the currency of pay scaleor pay grade structures must be changed from the old domestic currencyinto euro. This report changes all the customizing and infotype tables that areconnected with the pay scale or pay grade structures on the key datespecified. Report Selection Screen> You can enter the following selection criteria on the report selectionscreen. They determine how the report performs the currency changeover.
- Changeover key date>
Enter the day on which the currency of the pay scale or pay gradestructures should be changed from the old domestic currency into euro.The changeover key date must lie within the double currency phase ormust correspond with the day that immediately follows. This period isdefined in the table Valid Country Values> (T500W).
- Country grouping>
Enter the country grouping of the country to be converted.
- Type> and area>
Enter the pay scale types and areas or the pay grade types and areas tobe converted. You can select an existing combination of pay scale area and type fromthe Pay Scale Group> table (T510) or an existing combination ofpay grade type and area from the Pay Grade Level> table (T710). All the data records belonging to the combinations selected areconverted in the customizing and infotype tables. This report also provides additional Changeover options>. On theselection screen, you can enter a percentage increase>,rounding divisor>, and rounding type> for the customizingand infotype tables listed. In addition, you can enter changereasons> for certain infotype tables. These changeover options aretaken into consideration during the currency changeover. Customizing Tables Affected>
- T510F> (Assign Pay Scale -> Currency)
When you change over a pay scale (defined by the pay scale type, area,and indicator), the system delimits all the data records in the olddomestic currency on the key date and creates new entries in euro. If there is no entry for this pay scale, this report creates a datarecord in the old domestic currency (valid until the key date minus 1)and it also creates an entry in euro (valid as of the key date).
- T510Q> (Local Allowances)
The changeover of table T510Q is only relevant for the German publicsector and is not used as part of the standard. Ignore messagesregarding T510Q for all other pay scales. As table T510Q does not contain any pay scale information, thisinformation is taken from the Local Allowance Classes and CareerAssignment> table (T5D5L). The correlating data records for tableT510Q contain the amount fields that are converted in accordance withthe pay scale currency stored in table T510F. Data records whose validity start date is earlier than the changeoverkey date are delimited on the changeover key date. At the same time,new data records are created containing the new converted amounts. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later orthe same as the changeover key date are simply converted. The system checks to see whether the local allowance classes are usedin pay scales other than those entered on the report selection screen. For the sake of consistency, these pay scales must also be converted.In these particular cases, the relevant message appears at the end ofthe report output and you must react. The report converts the pay scalecontained in the following error message on the same key date. "Table T510Q was converted on 01.01.2001 for pay scale 23 20 3 due tothe local allowance class " If this does not happen, then you must correct the local allowanceclasses in T510Q manually as these local allowance classes are used indifferent pay scales with different currencies and could thereforeproduce incorrect values. As a rule, you should convert all pay scales to euro on the same keydate, especially if they have the same local allowance classes.
- T510> (Pay Scale Groups)
The amounts stored in the data records that are affected by thecurrency changeover are converted in accordance with the pay scalecurrency stored in table T510F. Data records whose validity start date is earlier than the changeoverkey date are delimited on the changeover key date. At the same time,new data records are created containing the new converted amounts. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later orthe same as the changeover key date are simply converted.
- T510N> (Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA))
Handling same as for table T510
- T510M> (Valuation of Pay Scale Groups According to Hiring Date)
Handling same as for table T510
- T510D> (Dynamic Standard Pay Increase)
The report only edits those data records that have an entry greaterthan zero in the amount field and whose pay increase key date isearlier than or the same as the changeover key date. The amounts storedin these data records are converted in accordance with the pay scalecurrency stored in T510F. Note that the value in the RoundAmt> (rounding amount) field isnot converted automatically. You can change the rounding amountmanually in the Dynamic Pay Scale Increase> view (V_T510D).
- T528C> (Wage Type Catalog)
This table does not contain any pay scale information. The systemtherefore selects all the objects in the Position> table (T528B)that belong to the pay scales to be converted. In table T528C, all the data records that belong to those objects, andwhose validity start date is earlier than the changeover key date, aredelimited on the key date with their old amounts. At the same time, thesystem creates new records containing the converted amounts. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later thanor the same as the changeover key date are simply converted. In both these cases, the amounts are converted in accordance with thepay scale currency stored in table T510F.
- T710A> (Pay Grade Groups)
When you convert the pay grade structure (defined by the pay grade typeand area), all the data records that belong to these objects and whosevalidity start date is earlier than the changeover key date aredelimited on the key date with their old amounts. At the same time, newrecords containing the converted amounts are created. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later orthe same as the changeover key date are simply converted.
- T710> (Pay Grade Levels)
The amounts stored in the data records that are affected by thecurrency conversion are converted in accordance with the currencystored in table T710A. Data records whose validity start date is earlier than the changeoverkey date are delimited on the changeover key date. At the same time,new data records are created containing the new converted amounts. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later thanor the same as the changeover key date are simply converted. Infotype Tables Affected>
- PA0008> (HR master record infotype Basic Pay> (0008))
All personnel numbers that belong to the pay scale/pay grade structuresselected are converted. Data records whose validity start date is earlier than the changeoverkey date are delimited on the changeover key date. At the same time,new data records are created containing the new converted amounts. Ifyou entered a change reason on the selection screen, the system entersit in the newly generated (Euro) record. If not, it retains theexisting reason. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later thanor the same as the changeover key date are simply converted. The systemdoes not enter the change reason here, so that the original reason isnot overwritten. General texts on the Basic Pay> infotype (0008) are also becopied. If you want to carry out a pay scale reclassification or increase (inaddition to the percentage increase that you can perform from theselection screen) on the changeover key date, you must run the relevantreport, either RPITUM00> or RPITRF00 >, separately. Note:> The system only converts amount fields in the Basic Pay> infotype(0008) if the key of the corresponding wage type in processing class 22in the Wage Type Valuation table (T512W) allows for a conversion of theamount.
- PA0230> (HR master data record infotype Supplement to P0008
PSG> (0230)/ View 0008 PSG) This infotype table is only relevant for the public sector. For allpersonnel numbers belonging to that employee subgroup, when theBasic Pay> infotype (0008) is called, the system automaticallydisplays the infotype supplement Supplement to P0008 PSG> (0230).The infotype table PA0230 is converted at the same time as PA0008. Data records whose validity start date is earlier than the changeoverkey date are delimited on the changeover key date. At the same time,new data records are created containing the new converted amounts. Amounts stored in data records whose validity start date is later thanor the same as the changeover key date are simply converted. General texts on the infotype supplement Supplement to P0008 PSG>(0230) are also copied.
- PA0014> (HR master data record infotype Recurring Payments
and Deductions> (0014)) This infotype table does not contain any information on pay scale orpay grade structures. For this reason, personnel numbers are onlyconverted if the selected pay scale or pay grade structures have beenentered in the Basic Pay> infotype (0008). The system only takesindirectly valuated data records into account. Directly valuatedrecords are converted using the report RPUEMU30>. Data records whose validity start date is earlier than the changeoverkey date are delimited on the changeover key date with the oldcurrency. At the same time, the system creates new entries with the newcurrency that are valid as of the conversion key date. If you entered achange reason on the selection screen, the system enters it for thenewly generated (Euro) record. If not, it retains the existing reason. For data records whose validity start date is the same as or later thanthe changeover key date, the system simply replaces the old currencywith the new. The system does not enter the change reason here, so thatthe original reason is not overwritten. The system copies any account assignment information and existinggeneral texts for the Recurring Payments and Deductions> infotype(0014) along with the records. Note that the system only converts an indirectly valuated data recordif the pay scales and pay grade structures entered in the BasicPay> infotype are also changeover-relevant throughout the validity ofthe data record, in other words, if you selected them on the reportselection screen. Also note that only unlocked data records of the Basic Pay>infotype (0008) are relevant for the currency changeover of theRecurring Payments and Deductions> infotype (0014). If aBasic Pay> (0008) data record is not unlocked until after thecurrency changeover, inconsistencies may arise in the system, as thecorresponding Recurring Payments and Deductions> (0014) datarecord could be converted for an incorrect validity period. General texts on the Recurring Payments and Deductions> infotype(0014) and account assignment information are also copied. Note:> The Reccurring Payments and Deductions> infotype (0014) is notfactored in Payroll. Ensure that this infotype is not converted withina payroll period. Otherwise, the system takes both the old and the newamount into account.
- PA0015> (HR master data record infotype Additional Payments
> (0015)) This infotype table does not contain any information on pay scale orpay grade structures. For this reason, personnel numbers are onlyconverted if the selected pay scale or pay grade structures have beenentered in the Basic Pay> infotype (0008). The system only takesindirectly valuated data records into acount. Directly valuated recordsare converted using the report RPUEMU30>. The infotype table PA0015 is key date-based. Therefore, you do not needto delimit the data records. Instead, for data records whose validitystart date is later than or the same as the changeover key date, thesystem replaces the old currency with the new one. General texts on the Additional Payments> infotype (0015) andaccount assignment information are also copied.
- PA0052> (HR master data record Wage Maintenance> (0052))
Handling same as for infotype table PA0008
- PA0237> (HR master data record Supplement to P0052 PSG>
(0237)/ View 0052 PSG) This infotype table is only relevant for the public sector. For thepersonnel numbers that belong to that employee subgroup, when theWage Maintenance> infotype (0052) is accessed, the systemautomatically displays the infotype supplement Supplement to P0052PSG> (0237). The infotype table PA0237 is converted at the same timeas table PA0052. The relevant infotype records are delimited on thechangeover key date. At the same time, the system creates new recordswith converted amounts. General texts on the infotype supplement forSupplement to P0052 PSG> (0237) are copied.
- PA0380> (HR master data record Compensation Adjustment>
infotype (0380)) This infotype table does not contain any relevant information on thepay scale or pay grade structures. For that reason, the system convertspersonnel numbers for which the selected pay grade or wage structuresare entered in the Basic Pay> infotype (0008). The infotype table PA0380 is period-based, but you cannot delimit thedata records. For data records whose end of validity is the same as orlater than the changeover key date, the system simply converts theamounts. Log Table for Currency Conversion EMU> (T5EMUPROT) This table lists that pay scales that have already been converted withregard to the customizing and infotype tables mentioned above. If thereport is terminated, the table logs the personnel numbers that havealready been converted. You can display the log table by calling viewV_T5EMUPROT>, but you cannot edit it.
- In the Valid Country Currency> table (T500W), you define the
validity period for the old domestic currency and the validity periodfor the euro for the country that is to be converted. The doublecurrency phase is a product of these two entries.
- Table T510F only contains one entry per pay scale. The currency for
this entry corresponds to the old domestic currency entered in tableT500W.
- Do not create any new personnel numbers while the report is running.
If you have decided to convert the infotype table PA0008 separately,you should only create new personnel numbers once you have run therelevant report (RPITUM00 or RPITRF00 ).