Description Using this report you create data carriers for transferringnotification data to the regional health insurance funds [GKK]electronically. The report creates a data carrier at the level of the operating systemby using the data records that you generated for the electronic dataexchange (ELDA).You can send this data carrier using the transferprogram for data transfer to the system for data collection. Forinformation on this transfer, refer to the documentation for thetransfer program. For a fee, you can obtain the transfer program fromUpper Austria's regional health insurance fund. The report also generates the legally prescribed pre-run and close-of-run records for the individual notifications, copies these to the datacarrier, and stores them in the table T5A1O> (ELDA: Created DataRecords). All data records copied to the data carrier are assigned acorresponding number in the table T5A1O>. In addtion, an entry is created in the table T5A1P> (ELDA:DataCarrier Management) This entry contains information on the datacarrier. This includes the data carrier number, the test indicator (fortest records), and a short description of the data carrier. In addition you can use this report to transfer data record that havealready been exchanged with and confirmed by the regional healthinsurance fund from table T5A1O> to the identical table T5A1Q > (Confirmed Data Records). This provides a complete history of thecreated and transferred data records.
- You have made the required settings in Customizing for Payroll
Austria> under Payroll for Administrations and Institutions> ->Evaluations for Social Insurance> -> "ElectronicData Exchange (ELDA)>"
- You have installed the program for transferring data to the system for
data collection.
- You have assigned the status indicator O> (Overflow) to the data
records in table T5A1O>.Electronic Data Exchange (ELDA) With the ELDA, the data is currently transferred to the collectionUpper Austria's regional health insurance fund using electronic datainterchange (EDI). In a data carrier or in a data package transferredusing EDI, you can report diffent types of notifications (insurednotifications, EFZG requests for reimbursement) and notifications forvarious health insurance agencies. The health insurance agencies canexchange notifications through a data slice. Selection of the data records The report selects the data records stored in the table T5A1O>You create these records using the reports RPCSVBA0>,RPCBGNA0>, RPCEFZA1>, and RPTNSHA0> or using SINotification Supplements A> infotype (0367) or Work andRemuneration Confirmation A> infotype (0526). The report decides whether a data record can be copied to the datacarrier or not according to the status indicator>stored in the table T5A1O> for each data record. The report canonly copy data records with the status indicators N> (new) andK> (corrected) to the data carrier. You must process data recordswith the status indicator O> (Overflow) afterwards separately. Todo this go to the detail view of the individual data records andcorrect them. Afterwards, set the status indicator to K>(corrected).Notification types The R/3 system currently supports the following notification types:
- Contribution statements
(You generate the appropriate data records with the reportRPCSVBA0>.)
- Contribution base notifications
(You generate the appropriate data records with the reportRPCBGNA0>.)
- Reimbursement requests for the Continued Remuneration Law [EFZG]
(You generate the appropriate data records with the reportRPCEFZA1>.)
- SI registration, deregistration, and change notifications
(You generate the appropriate data types with SI NotificationSupplements> infotype (0367) and Work and RemunerationConfirmation A> infotype (0526) and for notifications of heavy laboron the night shift with the report RPTNSHA0>.)Formats for data records The system uses he official, standardized data record formats that havebeen valid for Austria since July 1,1998. If the social insurance agency changes the data record formats, you cantransfer data in the "old" data record for a transitional period. Further_hints For detailed information on ELDA, call up Help> -> SAPLibrary> -> HR-Human Resources> -> PY-Payroll> ->PY-AT Payroll Austria > -> Payroll for Administrations and Institutions> ->Electronic Data Exchange (ELDA)>.