Purpose This report generates the following statutory forms for submission tothe Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) when an employee joinsthe company:
- P45(3) - If the employee has a P45 form from the previous employer.
- P46 - If the employee joins without a P45 form.
- P45EXPAT - If the employee is an expatriate.
You can use this report to either process forms P45(3) and P46 together,or process form P46EXPAT only. To process P46EXPAT, select ProcessP46 (EXPAT) only >option in the Processing criteria> section ofthe report. If this option is not selected, the system processes formsP45 (3) and P46.Prerequisites
- The report will only process employees for whom you have maintained the
following details: In Tax Data GB >(0065) infotype: - For P45(3) form, you must enter the tax code with tax code source P45in the current Tax Details> tab and complete the required P45details in the Starter's Detail >tab. - For P46 form, you must enter the tax code source P46 in the currentTax Details> tab and enter the P46 statement in the Starter'sDetail >tab. The system defaults the correct tax code according tothe statement that you select. - For P46 (EXPAT), you must enter the tax code source P46EXPAT in thecurrent Tax Details> tab and enter the P46EXPAT statement in theStarter's Detail > tab. The system defaults the correct tax codeaccording to the statement that you select. For P46 (EXPAT) only, you must maintain: - EPM6indicator setting for P46(EXPAT)>> (GP46E) feature. This featuredetermines if the employer operates an EPM6 scheme. Enter the appropr iate payroll area(s) in the feature where the EPM6 scheme is operated.The EPM6 scheme is required for HMRC E- filing Processing. - Residence Status> >(0048) infotype residence status withsubtype GB02 will determine if the employee is a member of the EEA or isa commonwealth citizen. This is required for HMRC E filing processing. For P 45(3) form if it is valid for the current year, maintain thefollowing in Tax Data GB >(0065) infotype: Enter the details in the Current tax details> Tab as follows: ,,- Tax code> field - Enter Tax code from P45 ,,- Tax code source> - Select P45 from menu ,,- Tax Code Basis >- Defaults to cumulative code - selectweek/month 1 if necessary. ,,- Previous Earnings >- Enter details from P45 if cumulative taxcode. ,,- Previous Tax> - Enter details from P45 if cumulative tax code. Enter the details in the Starter details >Tab in the followimgsections as follows: P45 Details> section ,,- Tax week/month> - Enter the relevant tax week/month from theP45. ,,- Previous Earnings> - The details will default from theCurrent details >tab if the tax code operated is a cumulativebasis. ,,- Previous Tax >- These details will default from theCurrent details> tab if the tax code operated is a cumulativebasis. ,,- P45 Item 13> - This is a check on the Tax calculated and willdisplay the correct amount of tax if it is different to that entered inthe Previous Tax >field. ,,- P45 Item 13 used in payroll> - Select this checkbox if youwant the payroll to use the corrected tax value as displayed in theP45 Item 13> field. ,,- No pay until April> - Select this checkbox if the employee isnot being paid between their date of start and the next 5th April. ,,- Leaving date> - Enter the leaving date from the P45. ,,- Tax Reference> - Enter the previous employers PAYE referencefrom the P45. ,,- Tax code> - The previous tax code will default from theCurrent Details> Screen. Starter Notification> section - P45 (3) issued> - By default the system selects this checkboxif you run eport RPUEFO_STARTER in update mode. - P45 (3) issue date> - This field will display the date on whichyou run report RPUEFO_STARTER in update mode.
- For P 45(3) form if it is valid for the previous year Tax Data GB
>(0065) infotype: Enter the details in the Current tax Details Tax Code Source >Tabas follows: - Tax code> field - Enter Tax code from P45, and uplift the codeby the start of year increase if appropriate. - Tax code source> -Select P45 from the list. - Tax Code Basis >- By default the Cumulative option is selected.You can select Week1/Month1> if necessary. - Previous Earnings> - You must not enter details of previousearnings from P45 if from previous tax year. - Previous Tax> - You must not enter details of previous taxpaid from P45 if from previous tax year. Enter the details in the Stater Details >Tab in the followimgsections as follows: P45 Details section> - Tax Week/Month >- You must leave this field blank if fromprevious tax year. - Previous Earnings> - You must leave this fieldblank if fromprevious tax year. - Previous Tax> - You must leave this field blank if fromprevious tax year. - P45 Item 13> - You must leave this field blank. - P45 Item 13 Used in Payroll >- You must leave this field blank. - No pay until April >- Select this checkbox if the employee isnot being paid between the date of start and the next April 5. - Leaving date> - Enter the leaving date from the P45 - Tax Reference> - Enter the previous employers PAYE referencefrom the P45. - Tax code> - The previous tax code should default from theCurrent Details> Tab, but if code has been uplifted enter tax codeform P45. P45 Previous Tax Year Details Only section> - Tax week/month >- You must leave this field blank if fromprevious tax year. - Previous Earnings> - Enter details of previous earnings fromP45 if cumulative tax code. - Previous Tax> - Enter details of previous tax paid from P45 ifcumulative tax code. Starter Notification section> - P45 (3) issued> - By default the system selects this checkboxif you run eport RPUEFO_STARTER in update mode. - P45 (3) issue date >- This field will display the date on whichyou run report RPUEFO_STARTER in update mode.Activities On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources >->Payroll> -> Europe> -> Great Britain> -> Subsequent activities >-> Period- independent> ->Payroll-related area> -> Starter notification> ->Starter processing>. HR:GB Starter Notification> selection screen appears. In the Selection> section, enter the employee selection criteria.Payroll Area> is a mandatory field. In the Tax Criteria> section: Enter the financial year in which the date of employment falls inTax year ending April 5th> field. You must enter the year in whichthe financial year ends, for example, if the employee is hired in April2009 then enter 2010. Note The system displays Tax district number and indicator in thecorresponding fields, based on the selected payroll area in the Selection >section. Select Test run> to check for errors before you actually perform alive run. Note The selection start date of the report is the start date of the firstpayroll period in the Tax year. For example, the start date of MonthlyPayroll Tax year as on 5th April 2009, is April 01, 2009. The systemdefaults the selection End date of the report to the current systemdate plus 30 days. This is to conform to HMRC business rules. In the Submission Media> section: Select Generate XML> to generate the data in XML file format. Youcan submit this file to the HMRC electronically. Note - If you select Test Run>, you can only view the XML file. Youcannot submit the file to the HMRC. - If you deselect Test Run>, live submission is enabled. When yourun this report in live run the report updates the Tax Data GB>infotype (0065) with the starter notification details. Choose Execute> HR-GB: Starter Notification >output screen appears. On the output screen, you can perform the following tasks:
- To display the ALV format of P45(3) form, choose P45(3)>.
- To display the ALV format of P46 form, choose P46>.
- To view the XML file format of the data generated, choose Display
- To view the list of employees for whom the starter notification is
already issued, go to Extras >-> List of already issued(Starter Not.)>.
- To view the business errors, if any, in the generated report, select
Extras >-> Error list>.
- To view the errors, if any, in the XML file generated, select Extras
>-> XML Errors>.
- To send the XML file to the HMRC:
Choose B2A Manager>. Select the file you want to send. Choose Execute>. Note: On the output screen, in B2A Manager >you can:
- View the status of the report under the Status> and Substatus
> field.
- Check for any errors generated while communicating with the HMRC. For
this, select Error log>. System generates errors due to reasonssuch as submission not in correct format, or invalid characters in thefile.