Purpose This report generates the P46 (PEN) form for submission to the HMRevenue & Customs (HMRC). This is required when an employeeretires on a pension and, the employer:
- Is responsible for paying the pension
- Pays on behalf of a superannuation fund or scheme
Prerequisites In the Tax Data GB> infotype (0065):
- Enter tax code source P46PEN> on the Current Details> tab
- Complete the relevant details on the Pensioners> tab.
- For the new start widow pensioners, who are not ex-employees, complete
the Current Tax Code details> tab with tax code and the tax codesource P46PEN . You must also enter the annual pension details in thePensioner> tab.
- For new start pensioners who are ex employees
Complete the current Tax Details> tab by entering the tax codedetails and tax code source P46PEN on the Pensioners> Tab Enter the tax code at leaving, in case it is cumulative code at leaving Enter the relevant week/month Enter the previous earnings and tax paid as an employee Enter the employees leaving date and the employee's former tax referencedetails Enter the annual pension to be paid &NOTE&> The report processes only those new start pensioners data, which has taxcode source P46PEN.Features Selection Standard_variants Output Activities On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources >->Payroll> -> Europe> -> Great Britain> -> Subsequent activities> -> Period independent >-> Payroll -related area> -> P46 (PEN) notification> -> P46 (PEN)processing>. HR:GB P46 (PEN) form> selection screen appears. In the Selection> section, enter the employee selection criteria.Payroll Area> is a mandatory field. In the Tax Criteria> section: Enter the financial year in which the date of employment falls in Taxyear ending April 5th field. You must enter the year in which thefinancial year ends, for example, if the employee is a new startpensioner in April 2009, then enter 2010. Note> System displays the Tax district number> and indicator in thecorresponding fields, based on the pension payroll area that you selectin the Selection> section. Select Test run> to check for errors before you actually perform alive run. Note> The selection start date of the report is the start date of the firstpension payroll period in the Tax year. For Example, thye start date of Pensioner Payroll Tax year 5th April2009 is 01.04.2009. The system deafaults the selection End date of the report to the currentsystem date plus 30 days. This is to conform to HMRC business rules. In the Submission Media> section: Select Generate XML> to generate the data in XML file format. Youcan submit this file to the HMRC electronically. Note - If you select Test Run>, you can only view the XML file. Youcannot submit the file to the HMRC. - If you deselect Test Run>, live submission is enabled. When yourun this report in live run the report issue date. Choose Execute> HR-GB: P46 (PEN) form >output screen appears. On this screen, you can perform the following tasks:
- To display the ALV format of P46 (PEN) form, choose P46PEN>.
- To view the XML file format of the data generated, choose Display
- To view the business errors, if any, in the generated report, select
Extras >-> Error list>.
- To view the errors, if any, in the XML file generated, select Extras
>-> XML Errors>.
- To send the XML file to the HMRC:
Choose B2A Manager>. Select the file you want to send. Choose Execute>. Note: You can also run this report in the background, by selecting Program-> Execute> in background. You can view the forms that the systemcreates under menu, System -> Own spool request>. Here:
- Choose Display XML> to view the XML file format of the P46PEN
- Select Extras -> XML Errors> to view the errors if any, in the
generated XML file. The system submits the file to the HMRC only if itis error free. On the output screen, in B2A Manager >you can:
- View the status of the report under the Status> and Substatus
> field.
- Check for any errors generated while communicating with the HMRC. For
this, select Error log>. System generates errors due to reasonssuch as submission not in correct format, or invalid characters in thefile.