e-Filing for Great Britain: Report RPUEFI_UPDATE Purpose You can execute report RPUEFI_UPDATE to generate the e-Filing UpdateManager.> However, you can also call the e-Filing Update Manager >using thetransaction HREFI_UPDATE>. This is the normal transaction you useto process all incoming forms. From the Update Manager,> you canexamine the information from an incoming record, update the infotype inquestion, confirm that a record has ended in error and view thehistorical data.Features The Update Manager transaction screen This screen is divided into three sections (denoted by tab strips): Worklist> Displays all forms that have been successfully matched to an employee.These forms are waiting to be updated or to be confirmed in error. Eachline of the Worklist >grid represents one incoming form to beupdated. The Worklist >also contains a Worklist Errors> area,detailing processing errors for your selected employee group. No N.I. Match> Displays all incoming forms that could not be successfully matched to anemployee. Reporting> The reporting screen allows you to make a selection on all records: bothPreviously Processed Records> and Records Not Yet Processed >.Update Administrator The Update Administrator> allows you to resolve e-FilingIncoming >processing issues that cannot be corrected using theUpdate Manager.> The transaction requires specific authorisationand allows you to perform additional functions so you do not need tomanually correct records in Master Data. All non-processed records with the exception of duplicate records can beselected and processed using the Update Administrator>. You callthe Update Administrator> from the Update Manager >bychoosing: Process >-> Update Administrator>. Note:> The e-Filing Implementation and User Guide >contains furtherdetailed information on report RPUEFI_UPDATE, the Update Manager>and the Update Administrator. >It also provides a comprehensiveoverview of the complete e-Filing process. You can download the latest version of this document from the SAPService Marketplace (http://service.sap.com/hrgb>), under:Media Center >-> e-Filing >-> e-Filing Implementationand User Guide>.See also The SAP Library for e-Filing Great Britain > Even if you have not installed the SAP Library CD, you can access theSAP Library from the SAP Help Portal, at http://help.sap.com>.From this link page, choose the menu item Documentation >and fromthe next screen, the menu item mySAP ERP>. Select English>as your language and the SAP Library is opened for you. To access the e-Filing Great Britain section of the SAP Library, choose:SAP ERP Central Component >-> Human Resources> ->Personnel Management (PA) >-> Personnel Administration (PA-PA) > -> Country-Specific Aspects of Personnel Administration> ->e-Filing for Great Britain>. |