e-Filing for Great Britain: >Report RPUEFI_START_POLL Purpose You call report RPUEFI_START_POLL to initiate the e-Filing for GreatBritain> incoming process. This process involves polling your securemailbox located on the Government Gateway and retrieving P6, P9, P6B,SL1 and SL2 forms online. Calling this report initiates the pollingprocess to the Government Gateway. The report can be executed using areport tree, or can be scheduled to run regularly as a batch program. Scheduling as a batch program allows you to determine how often theGovernment Gateway is accessed to retrieve PAYE forms. The pollingfrequency you adopt will depend completely on the number of forms perweek or month your organisation usually receives from the InlandRevenue.Integration You check, monitor and control the progress and status of each of thesteps within the polling process using the Business-to-AuthorityManager (B2A Manager: >transaction PB2A). Once reportRPUEFI_START_POLL has been started, it creates entries in the B2AManager.> Note>: You can also call the GB version of the B2A Manager>to assist you with your e-Filing Outgoing >End-of-Yearsubmissions.Prerequisites To run report RPUEFI_START_POLL, you must have previously:
- Completed all customising and installation processes as described in the
e-Filing Implementation and User Guide. > You customise in the Implementation Guide (IMG), under PersonnelAdministration -> Payroll Data -> e-Filing - Great Britain.> For more details refer to See also>, below.
- Installed the middleware appropriate to your SAP release.
SAP Business Connector >(SAP BC). For releases up to and including ERP 2004 (46C, 470 and 500), thecommunication from your SAP system to the Government Gateway is handledby the SAP Business Connector> (SAP BC). The SAP BC must beinstalled in your system landscape before any part of the e-Filingfunctionality can be used. The SAP BC is a standard Middleware productof SAP. Note>>: For the e-Filing solution to work, you must downloadand install Version 4.7> (128 SSL) of the SAP BC from the SAPService Marketplace, at http://service.sap.com/connectors>. SAP XI> For releases ERP 2005 (600) and above, the communication from your SAPsystem to the Government Gateway is handled by the SAP XI>middleware.Features Selection You must maintain the selection screen for report RPUEFI_START_POLL asfollows:
- Country grouping>: >Enter 08 >for Great Britain
- B2A - Area>: >Enter PAYE >(for Inland Revenue PAYE
- Document Class: >Enter INCO>, for Incoming electronic forms
- Tax district number>: Enter the tax district number to which you
have registered and wish to poll to
- Tax district ind.>: Enter the tax district indicator to which you
have registered
- Forms to retrieve>: You must make an entry in this field
Enter P6>, P6B>, SL1>, SL2 >or P9 >asappropriate Note: > Only the forms entered in this field will be retrieved from theGovernment Gateway.
- B2A Variable text field>: Enter an appropriate description for the
process. The description entered here is displayed in the B2A Manager>, inthe column Description of Data Record>. Note:> After entering your required selection criteria, store the selectionscreen as a layout variant to be used for all future polls, asnecessary.Output After maintaining your selection criteria executing reportRPUEFI_START_POLL, an output screen is generated. The screen displaysyour selected application area, sub-application area and PAYE scheme.The process ID for this particular polling process is also shown here. The output screen also incorporates a status bar. A green status barindicates that the current polling process has been completed withouterrors. However, if there are errors within the current process, thestatus bar is displayed in red and contains specific error statusinformation. Options You can also go directly to the B2A Manager >and the UpdateManager >using the pushbuttons provided on the output screen.See also
- The e-Filing Implementation and User Guide >contains further
information on report RPUEFI_START_POLL, the SAP Business Connector >, SAP XI>, the B2A Manager >and the Update Manager >. It provides a comprehensive overview of the complete e-Filingprocess. You can download the latest version of this document from the SAPService Marketplace (http://service.sap.com/hrgb>), under:Media Center >-> e-Filing> -> e-Filing : Implementationand User Guide>.
- The SAP Library for e-Filing Great Britain >
Even if you have not installed the SAP Library CD, you can still accessthe SAP Library from the SAP Help Portal, at http://help.sap.com>. From this link page, choose the menu item Documentation >and fromthe next screen, the menu item mySAP ERP>. Select English>as your language and the SAP Library is opened for you. To access the e-Filing Great Britain section of the SAP Library, choose:SAP ERP Central Component >-> Human Resources> ->Personnel Management (PA) >-> Personnel Administration (PA-PA) > -> Country-Specific Aspects of Personnel Administration >->e-Filing for Great Britain>.