Payroll Results (RQ) - Original and differences from retro periods ( RPUDRQQ0>)Description Use this program to provide the results for a pay period includingoff-cycle results and differences from retroactive periods. Thisprogram reads every employee's payroll results for the given payperiod. The program also calculates the difference betweenRetroactive Payroll >periods. Different reports call this program to populate a common data area withthe payroll results.Precondition Each program which calls the RPUDRQQ0 >program must have theRESULT> common data area defined. Programs such as, the Employee Summary Report> (RPLSUMQ0) callthe GET_ALL_RESULTS2> Form with the parameters:
- personnel number (pernr)
- payroll year (pabrj)
- pay period begin date (pn/begda)
- pay period end date (pn/endda)
- payroll area (abkrs)
- message text (sy-msgv1)
Output A new table RT2> is populated from normal RQ> clusterRT> table data. The RT2> table contains the current payrollperiod results which is the same as the results of the RT> andany wage types that have a difference from previous payroll periods. A new field PRDAT> shows which Period End Date> eachWage Type> belongs to.Example Call the PERFORM GET_ALL_RESULTS2> (RPUDRQQ) program asillustrated: Perform get_all_results2 (RPUDRQQ) using pernr pabrj begdate enddatabkrs sy-msgv1.> Where:
- PERNR - Personal number
- PABRJ - Year
- BEGDATE - Begin date
- ENDDAT - End Date
- ABKRS - Payroll Area
- SY-MSGV1 - Return Message