Title Drilldown Reporting from Cost Objects to Personnel Numbers (RPUDRIG0) Purpose Report RPUDRIG0 presents a listing of personnel costs which have beenposted to a particular finance notion. Database selection is performed using the HR posting tables (PPDIT,PPDHD,PPOIX,..) with a preselection on the cost object line item tablein Controlling (COVP), where the appropriate HR document numbers can befound. This requires that the HR payroll has terminated correctly and payrollresults have been posted using the standard posting routines. Forperformance reasons it is possible to skip the document number selectionfrom Controlling and to retrieve it from the HR posting tables. You achieve this by changing the following entry in table T5GPBS_ALL(View V_T5GPBS_ALL). Simply set the field "Field" to 'X'. DRIL,, Drilldown Reporting,, SWDE,, 01.01.1800,, 31.12.9999,, Derivation from HR documents> Note: Substitutions, as they are performed in finance to replace costcenters or other objects, are not taken into account. An authorisation check is performed for every selected cost center,internal order, WBS element or project using the object 'Authorisationfor drilldown reporting' (P_DRL_COST). The selected cost object will berejected in case of missing authorisation and the user will be informedvia the error log. The authorisation check can be changed into a moregeneric type of check against the related profit centers. You achieve this by changing the following entry in table T5GPBS_ALL(View V_T5GPBS_ALL). Simply set the field "Field" to 'X'. DRIL Drilldown Reporting,, SWAU,, 01.01.1800,,31.12.9999,, Authorisation by HR objects>Selection The selection screen is divided into several areas: Cost object selection> You can select cost centers, internal orders or WBS elements by singlevalues, ranges (from, to) or by using the appropriate group definition.Complex patterns with wild cards (*) or 'excluding' are not permitted. Restrictions> The selected line items can be restricted to a set of wage types, costelements and personnel numbers. The personnel number selection is only arestriction for the database selection and does not offer the complexityof a report using the logical database. A second, PNP-based peportRPUDRIG1> is also provided with the same selectioncriteria. Posting date> The data entered here is used for preselection of the HR documentnumbers on the CO object line item table (COVP). This can be performedusing either the financial period or the exact posting dates. Performance reasons require that your cost object selection should be aslimited as possible. For example, avoid a selection such as CostCenter A to Z>, but instead try to list make your selection criteriaas narrow as possible.Output The report output for RPUDRIG0 is provided in an SAP List Viewer (ALV)format. The ALV output gives you various possibilities for displaying,sorting and cumulating your data. You can design and save yourpersonalised layout. |