Purpose Execute this report to convert a DMFA file in TemSe format to XML if youhave chosen to send it via FTP, which is usually the case for largerfiles. Note> You can also run this report from the displayed results of the DMFAreport (RPCDMFB0>).Integration This report is used in combination with the DMFA report ( RPCDMFB0>).Prerequisites You must have executed the DMFA report (RPCDMFB0>).This report enables you to generate social insurance declaration fileson a quarterly basis in the form of TemSe files.Selection You can specify various selection criteria, as described below:
- TemSe file
Form Form type. This can be either the original file (DMFA>), thenotification file (DMNO>) or the receipt file (DMRE>). Perdefault, the DMFA subapplication is selected. TemSe object Enables you to retrieve the file to convert from the TemSe directory.
- File name control
Directory Path of the newly generated XML file. File name for upload/download Name of the newly generated XML file. Sender number Identification number of the sender of the SI declaration. Version number Version number of the declaration. Test declaration Set this indicator to create a test declaration file. Create GO file Refers to the file sent with the declaration file. A GO file is avirtual envelope that is automatically generated when you create the XMLfile. It does not contain any data. Its name is based on the declarationfile and contains the GO prefix. Per default, this indicator is set and should not be deselected.
- XLM control
Store XML every no. of employees Enables you, in combination with the Create XML file and download fileoptions, to perform partial downloads (strongly recommended for a largenumber of employees). For example, you could download 50 employees perdownload repeatedly until you have reached the last range of employees.Technically speaking, the data is appended to the XML file. Do not declare empty fields Enables you to exclude empty fields from being generated in the XMLfile. Note however that XML tags are generated for required fields. Per default, this indicator is set.
- Options
You can: Display the content of the file. The structure of the selected file isdisplayed. To generate the corresponding XML file, click Generate >, whereafter you are prompted to specify the file and the completepath. Click Transfer> to complete the process. Create an XML file directly without displaying the structure anddownload it to your local PC. Download the TemSe file to your PC without converting it. Upload the XML file (for example, the notification file) and reconvertit to TemSe. Activate B2A Set this indicator if you want to trigger the Business-to-Administrationworkflow (B2A). The B2A Manager is an international transaction forhandling file transfers between companies and administrations. B2A Text Free text field used for tracking purposes in theBusiness-to-Administration workflow (B2A).Output The output is either an XML file ready to be sent to the Social Securityvia FTP or a TemSe file.