Purpose Execute this report to generate digital signatures that you send to theNational Office for Social Security together with the DMFA declarationfiles. The SAP system is shipped with Secure Store and Forward>mechanisms (SSF) to help you convert electronic files to secure formatsor to equip them with digital signatures, which uniquely identify thesender. To use SSF, you need:
- A third-party security product. Per default, a DLL called the SAP
Security Library is provided (SAPSECULIB), which enables you to generatea Public Security Environment> (PSE) where the user's orcomponent's public-key information is securely stored.
- A public-key infrastructure, to validate and trust the digital
signatures, certificates (a digital document that contains all thenecessary information to identify its owner and check his or her digitalsignatures) and certification authorities (a third-party instance thatissues public certificates and guarantees the identity of thecertificate owner).Integration This report is an integral part of the DMFA scenario. Prerequisites You must have executed the following DMFA reports:
- DMFA report>
- DMFA Temse viewer>
Also, to create a digital signature you must have:
- Generated a public and private key and submitted it to a certification
- Received a certificate from your certification authority (CA) containing
digitally signed information.
- Imported the certificate into your system.
For more information, see the following notes:
- 570498> (question 2)
- 578377>
Note> The PSEMAINT transaction is only valid up to release 4.6B. To installdigital certificates for Dimona in higher releases, read OSS note658654>, which contains a step-by-step description of the wholeprocess.Selection Specify the following information:
- File Directory
Directory in which the XML file is stored.
- File Name
Name of the XML file. The digital signature is generated in the samedirectory. first two characters of original file are replaced with FS.
- SSF Application
Select the relevant SSF application. Secure Store and Forward>mechanisms (SSF) help you convert electronic files to secure formats orto equip them with digital signatures.
- Base 64 encoding
Enables you to convert binary data to ASCII characters to ensure fullcompatibility between the sender and the receiver, especially if theyrun different operating systems. Per default, this indicator is set.Output The report generates a ready-to-send digital signature on the basis ofthe selection criteria you have specified.