Purpose Execute this report to generate a receipt file in XML format. By doingso, you confirm that you have received the notification file from theNational Office for Social Security. Usually, the company sends the SIdeclaration, whereafter the National Office for Social Security returnsa receipt file containing the header information of the declaration.Once the declaration has been formally accepted, the National Office forSocial Security sends a notification file for which you have to create areceipt file. Integration This report is an integral part of the DMFA scenario. Prerequisites You must have triggered the information exchange flow with the NationalOffice for Social Security and received the notification file. This canalso be done by using the Business-to-Administration>.Selection Specify the following information:
- File Name received from SI
Name of the notification file you have received from the National Officefor Social Security.
- Directory for the Receipt File
Directory on your local PC or server where the file is stored.
- Name for Receipt File
Name of the receipt file to be generated.
- Sender number
Identification number of the sender of the SI declaration.
- Version number
Version number of the declaration.
- Reference number
Reference number of the declaration, which is automatically generated ifthis field is left empty.
- Test file
Set this indicator if you want to create a test file (no changes writtento the database).