Purpose This report enables you to retrieve electronic Dimona files from theTemSE directory and to create corresponding digital signature files,each to be sent together with its Dimona file to the National Officefor Social Security. The SAP system is shipped with Secure Store and Forward>mechanisms (SSF) to help you convert electronic files to secure formatsor to equip them with digital signatures>, which uniquelyidentify the sender. To use SSF, you need:
- A third-party security product. Per default, a DLL called the SAP
Security Library> is provided (SAPSECULIB), which enables you togenerate a Public Security Environment> (PSE) where the user's orcomponent's public-key information is securely stored.
- A public-key infrastructure, to validate and trust the digital
signatures, certificates> (a digital document that contains allthe necessary information to identify its owner and check his or herdigital signatures) and certification authorities> (a third-partyinstance that issues public certificates and guarantees the identity ofthe certificate owner). Fo more information, see the SAP library.Integration This report is used in combination with the reports mentioned below. Prerequisites You must have executed the following reports successfully: