Description The payroll results directory forms the basis for quick and efficientaccess to the payroll result itself. Business-related criteria (e.g.the payroll period or specific payroll dates) are used to form anindex, under which a payroll result can be found in the database. Ifthe payroll results directory contains incorrect values or has beentotally destroyed (e.g. deleted), the payroll results can no longer beread. Evaluation programs using an incorrect directory will either becancelled or produce inaccurate results. The payroll result itself contains control data (stored in the VERSCfield string) which enables the payroll results directory to berestored by analysing the payroll results. Afterwards, the directory isfully operative again. The program described below is able to restore the payroll resultsdirectory from scratch. In addition to this, an existing directory canbe checked for consistency against the directory that has just beenrestored from the payroll results. It is also possible to display thestructure of any of the payroll results used. The program first determines the cluster where the payroll results arestored. It does this by evaluating the 'Payroll for country' parameter.Table T500L contains the country indicator for each country grouping.This indicator is used as follows to create the name of the payrollcluster: R. The name of the payrollcluster for Germany would be 'RD', for example and for the USA it wouldbe 'RU'. The payroll cluster is able to determine all the personnelnumbers with payroll results stored in it (as well as the amount ofpersonnel numbers specified). All payroll results are then analysed perpersonnel number and the new directory is derived from this analysis. Payroll for country Specify the country grouping of the payroll for which the directory isto be restored. If you wish to restore the directory for a Germanpayroll run, for example, enter '01' for the 'Payroll for country'parameter. For America, you would enter '10', for Austria '03' etc. TheF4 function key displays a list of all existing country groupings. Personnel number Restoring the payroll results directory for a particular countrygrouping (using the 'Payroll for country' parameter) can be limited tocertain personnel numbers. To do this, enter the relevant personnelnumbers in the 'Personnel number' parameter. Compare directory This option enables you to compare a restored directory with anexisting one. Payroll results structure If this option is active, each payroll result analysed will be outputwith the structure of the relevant payroll cluster (i.e. the dataobjects stored in the cluster are shown along with theircharacteristics). Detailed log This option controls how much detail the output log contains. Ifactivated, it provides detailed information on the restored directoryIf the 'Compare directory' option is active, the detailed log will alsocontain data on the comparison of the directories. If 'Payroll resultsstructure' is active, the log will show this as well. Save new directory This controls whether the new directory is saved to the database. Ifthis option is active, the directory is saved. Error 001: Country grouping "&" does not exist in table T500L This is a purely technical error and should not have occurred. Thefunction module which requires the country grouping as a value hasdetermined that it is not included in table T500L (Personnel CountryGrouping). Error 002: Country grouping not specified This is a purely technical error and should not have occurred in thefirst place. The function module which requires the country grouping asa value has determined that the value of the entry is initial. Error 003: You have no authorization for cluster "&" To run the program, you must have authorization to update the payrollcluster. This is not the case. Error 004: Form pool "&" could not be loaded This program can process all payroll clusters. To do this, it creates acode that is executed at runtime. This code is based on a model whichthe database could not read. This is also a technical error that shouldnot have occurred. Most likely, either program model RPUDIRI1 orRPUDIRI2 is missing. Error 005: A system error occurred while generating the form pool This is a system error and should not have occurred. The program triedto create a code that is executed at runtime and found an error in theprogram syntax or generation. Error 006: Could not load payroll results Loading the payroll results for each personnel number into one localbuffer for analysis was not completed. Although an old payroll resultsdirectory still in fact exists, this error will occur if there isabsolutely no data stored in the payroll cluster for these personnelnumbers. If the update option is active, the existing old directorywill be deleted in such cases. Error 007: No payroll results are available There are no payroll results in the payroll cluster for the personnelnumber you want to process. Error 008: Payroll result "&" could not be read In order to restore the payroll results directory, the control datastored in field string VERSC must be evaluated for each payroll result.In this case, however, the control data for one of the payroll resultscould not be read from the database. Error 009: Country grouping "&" is not correct (you have chosen "&") The program was started for a specific country grouping. The countrygrouping entered for the personnel number on the selection screen isdifferent from the country grouping given in the VERSC control data. Error 010: Could not reorganize new directory This is a system error and should not really have occurrred. When thenew directory is being set up, the status indicators are redefined onthe basis of the FOR and IN information. This was, however, notpossible here. Error 011: Several payroll results have identical FOR and INinformation One payroll result with one set of FOR and IN information is unique.This error, however, occurs if there are two or more payroll resultswith the same set of FOR and IN information. The above message wouldtherefore appear if a payroll result with 01/1996 as the for-period andthe in-period is listed under two separate numbers in the index, e.g.under 0001 and 0003. If you still want to set up the directory, youmust remove the unnecessary payroll results from the payroll cluster(in the above example, you would therefore delete either 0001 or 0003from the index). If the 'Detailed log' option is active, the incorrectentries will appear in red in the directory. Error 012: Could not write new directory to database The directory that has just been restored should have been written tothe database. The program was unable to do so. Error 013: Personnel number not specified This is a purely technical error and should not have occurred at all.The function module that requires the personnel number as a value hasdetermined that the value of this entry is initial. Error 014: You have no authorization for cluster "&" When the new directory is saved, the system checks whether the user isauthorized to update cluster CU or CD. If this is not the case, noupdate is carried out. Error 015: An unexpected and unrecognized error occurred while accessing thefunction module. This is a system error and should not have occurred. Error 016: The name of the form pool cannot be determined The program could not find the name of the code that was created forexecution at runtime. Error 017: The old and new directory are different This is actually a note for the user, not a real error message. The'Compare directory' option was activated and uncovered the differencesbetween the existing directory and the new one.Output The printout of this program always includes the program statistics,which show how many personnel numbers were selected, processed, orcontained errors, as well as data on how the program was started. Italso documents the errors that occurred. Flagging the 'Detailed log' option will display the following data: 1. New Directory 2. Comparison of data (if the 'Compare directory' option is active) 3. Payroll results structure (if the 'Payroll results' option isactive). Meaning of directory columns Column,,Meaning SeqNo,,Sequential number S,,Status indicator PA,,Payroll area - For PM,,Period modifier - For Period,,Payroll period - For From,,Beginning of period - For To,,End of period - For PT,,Payroll type - For PI,,Payroll ID - For OCRe,,Payroll reason (off-cycle reason) - For SPDate,,Special payment date, (e.g. bonus) LePe,,Legal person - For PA,,Payroll area - In PM,,Period modifier - In Period,,Payroll period - In From,,Beginning of period - In To,,End of period - In PT,,Payroll type - In PI,,Payroll ID - In OCRe,,Payroll reason, (off-cycle reason), In Pay date,,Date of check C,,Cancellation indicator CR,,Cancellation reason RDate,,Run date RTime,,Runtime |