Purpose This report enables you to generate the master data records for theDimona declaration in the relevant infotype (0735>), asprescribed by the National Office for Security. Execute this reportwhenever a hiring or leaving action is triggered or an organizationalchange is made. The program then compares the infotypes Actions>(0000>) and Organizational Assignment> (0001>) withthe Dimona declarations that have been sent to the National Office forSecurity. The sent declarations correspond to records in the Dimonainfotype (0735>) set to S (sent to SI), F (formally accepted bySI) or A (accepted by SI). If there are any differences, the programretrieves the Dimona declarations that have to be sent in the nearfuture and stores them in the Dimona infotype with the status set to P(planned).Integration Execute this report to prepare the necessary data for the TemSe filegeneration (RPLDIDB0>).Prerequisites To generate the data successfully:
- Make sure you have maintained the following tables in the relevant
customizing steps (for more information, see MaintainDimona Information> and Check Dimona Relevance>in the IMG): In the Belgian institutions tables (T5B9A> and T5B9B>), youcan check Dimona-relevant information. In the Belgian mapping table (T5BO1>), you can specify whetherpersonnel actions are relevant to Dimona declarations or not. In the Belgian employee groups/subgroups tables (T5B9G>), you canspecify whether employee groups/subgroups should be selected for Dimonadeclarations or not.
- Maintain the following infotypes:
Contract elements> (0016>) Maintain the fields Labour commission> and External workplace > if the worker is an interim worker or a student and is employed inan external workplace (see also the relevant tables T5B9B> andT5B9A>). If the worker is employed in the building sector,maintain the fields C3.2A card for current month> and C3.2Acard for following month> as well. Social insurance Belgium> (0100>) Maintain the field Worker code>.Selection You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs. Note that if you do not enter a personnel numberof a selection of personnel numbers, the system retrieves all thepersonnel numbers (not recommended for larger companies). In addition, you can:
- Retrieve the employer SI number stored in the institutions table (
T5B9P>). Note that if you do not enter any number, the programretrieves all the employers for which events have occurred.
- Specify the timeframe within which hiring / leaving events and
organizational changes have occurred.
- Execute the report in test mode (default value). By doing so, the
declaration status in infotype Dimona declarations> (0735>)remains unchanged.
- Specify not to compare the infotypes Actions> (0000>) and
Organizational Assignment> (0001>) with the records of theDimona infotype> (0735>).Standard_variants No standard variant delivered. Output The master data is stored in infotype Dimona declarations> ( 0735>) and the declaration status is set to 'Planned' for thecorresponding records. In addition, an application log is generatedcontaining the Dimona declarations to be saved and a list of possibleerrors. Once you have completed the process successfully, you can run therelevant report (RPLDIDB0>) to generate theelectronic Dimona declaration.