Title Report for Creating Customizing for the Table-Oriented Data Model Purpose Using this report, you can fill the following table with defaultvalues:
- T5A0P>,, Grouping of Personnel Subareas Austria
- T5A0A>,, Employer Assignment for Administrations
- T5A1S>,, Employer Account Number with Social Insurance Institut.
Your current Customizing for features provides the base for the defaultvalues (see below).Prerequisites Before you use this report to generate entries for the above-mentionedtables, you must run the report RPUADR00> (ConvertAddresses T536A> -> T536C>). The report RPUADR00>generates address records from the company addresses stored in thetable T536A> (Addresses). The address records are saved to thegeneral address management and to the table T536C>.Features The report evaluates the return values for the following features anddetermines the default values for the above-mentioned tables:
- ADDR1>,,Address key for the table 536A
- AGNUM>,,Employer number
- DGSVN>,,Employer number with the SI agency (with special charac.)
- DGSV1>,,Employer number with the SI agency (without spec.
- DVRNR>,,DPR-Number (Data processing register number)
- FZAMT>,,Tax office key
- GMDNR>,,Municipality number
The return values from the features that cannot be transferred directlyto the new tables are listed separately in the report. The report checks whether the addresses for the table T536A> thatare assigned to the personnel subareas can be transferred successfullyusing the report RPUADR00>. When you run the report, the determined default values are listed.Afterwards, you can carry out an automatic update for the tablesT5A0P>, T5A0A>, and T5A1S>. However, this automaticupdate is only possible if no entries exist in the tables T5A0A>and T5A1S >. If entries already exist, no consistent, automatic update can beguaranteed.Activities Run the program in every client in your system: Start the report. You reach the list screen in which the report displays the defaultvalues. Check the default values If you want to use these default values for the automatic update, printthe report list and archive the list for later analyses. Afterwards,choose Update database>. The report fills the tables T5A0P>, T5A0A>, and T5A1S > with the default values and creates a log for the update. Print the update log and archive it. The automatic update does not fill the fields ERaccmun> (Employer number with the municipality) und Rg>(Region) in the table T5A0P >. You must complete this Customizing manually: In order to insert entries for the employer account number with themunicipality, go to Customizing for Personal Administration> ->Organizational Data> -> Organizational Assignment> ->Organizational Assignment Supplement Austria> -> PersonnelSubareas>. Process the step AssignMunicipality>. Only save the employer account number in this step. Donot make any entries for the municipalities. To make entries for the regions, go to Customizing for PersonalAdministration> -> Organizational Data> -> OrganizationalAssignment> -> Organizational Assignment Supplement Austria> ->Personnel Subareas>. Carry out the stepAssign Regions>. The telephone number of the employee responsible (for the pay slip L16)you determined in the feature TEL16> was not transferredautomatically. If you want to maintain the telephone number, you mustsave it to the general address administration (View V_T536C>)under the country group 03> and the address type CA>manually: In the view V_T536C> select an entry and choose (the icon)Address>. You reach the dialog screen Process address>. Enter the number of the employee responsible in the group boxCommunication> in the field Telefon>. If you save severaltelephone numbers, the system takes the number from the field Std. > (Default number). Save your company number with unions in Customizing for PayrollAustria> under Company-Internal Evaluations> -> DetermineUnion Number>.