Title Deferred Pay Report Purpose In deferred pay model, an agreement is made between the employer and anemployee as to how the earnings the employee will earn during onecontract period will be paid to the employee. For example, an employee,who will be working on a 9-month contract, may arrange to have his/her9-month salary be paid out in full over a 12-month period. In this document, the time period in which the work is performed iscalled the contract period and the time period in which the contractearnings is to be paid out to the employee in full is called thedeferred period.> Because the earnings paid to an employee and the amount earned by theemployee do not necessarily agree at a point during the deferredperiod, a question may arise as to how much the employee has earned,how much of that earnings has been paid and how much is held back, i.e.deferred, up to that time. Specifically, this type of question ariseswhen an employee on deferred pay resigns or is terminated before thedeferred period ends. Answers to these questions are readily availablein the payroll results of the employee. This report simply displays theinformation in a convenient form. And furthermore, in the event thatnew infotype 15 'Additional Payments' record needs to be created duringtermination of an employee, the record can be created via this reportas well.Description The report reads payroll data from payroll result clusters of anemployee and displays the information in a predefined format. Theinformation displayed include personal data, wagetype balances at theend of a time period and wagetype amount for each payroll period duringthat time. The user can select which wagetypes to be displayed bymaintaining the customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT. The user may choose to create an infotype 15 record via the report. Inthis case the record is created with balance from the display screen ofthe report as the default amount. Prerequisites Payroll results. Payroll results of the employee for the time periodindicated are available. Customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT. Wagetypes to be displayed in the reportmust have been maintained in customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT via viewV_T5UPBSDEF_WT. The type of wagetypes are not limited to those definedas wagetypes for deferred pay. One wagetype >must be specifiedin the table as the wagetype of which balance will be used as thedefault amount in a new infotype 15 record. This is accomplished byspecifying the wagetype as being 'Termination Relevant'. For the restof this document, the balance of this particular wagetype is referredto as the 'balance'>. A known user-defined deferred period. Eventhough there is norestriction on the time period selected entered on the selection screenof the report and that there is no check on the value entered, itis recommended that the time period selected should cover one fulldeferred period, integral numbers of deferred periods or starts fromthe beginning of any deferred period in the past 'Up to today'.>Activities To execute the report, perform the following steps at the selectionscreen. Review the selection of time period. It is recommended that the timeperiod indicated should cover one full deferred period, integralnumbers of deferred periods or starts from the beginning of anydeferred period in the past 'Up to today'. Specify personnel number(s), payroll area(s) and contract type(s) toselect specific group of employees. The specification is not mandatory.If fields in this selection area are left blank, all employees areselected. Specify person display selection. From the group of employees selectedthrough the previous step, the user can further select to display onlyemployees with positive balance, negative balance, no balance or selectto see the results for all employees. The 'balance' here refers to thebalance of the wagetype identified in the customizing tableT5UPBSDEF_WT as being 'Termination Relevant'. Execute the report. Output The report produces two output screens: a main screen and a detailscreen. Main Screen> Information shown on this screen are employee's personnel number, name,balances of all wagetypes, a message icon and a @0Y@ icon fortermination. All balances shown in this screen are accumulated over the time periodselected. The meaning of the message icons are given in the Message Icons sectionbelow. A @0Y@ icon appears only for employees having positive balance forwagetype identified in customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT as being'Termination Relevant'. When the user double-clicks on this @0Y@ icon,the 'Create additional payments' screen appears giving the user anopportunity to maintain infotype 15 record there. Detail Screen> The detail screen displays detail information regarding the payrollresults of an employee. This screen is activated from the main screenby double-clicking on a row in the main screen having the personnelnumber corresponding to that of the employee. Each row on the detail screen shows the information regarding onepayroll period. The fields shown are the sequencial number of thepayroll period, the begin date and end date of the for-period of thepayroll period and wagetype amount for each wagetype. If a wagetypedoes not appear in the payroll result, the number '0.00' appears. Thewagetype amount can also be positive or negative. It is important tonote that all wagetype amounts in the detail screen are notaccumulated. Message Icons>. The balance shown on the main screen for the waggetype identified as'Termination Relevant' in customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT can benegative, positive or zero. There are two situations leading to thezero balance. One is when the employee is not using deferred pay duringthe time period. The other is when the employee is using deferred paybut the deferred balance is zero. In the second case deferred wagetypeshave appeared at least once in payroll results during the time periodselected. Information regarding this aspect of the deferred balance are embeddedinto the message icons shown on the main screen. The meaning of the icons are: @5D@ No wagetypes defined as 'Deferred' in customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WTare found in the employee's payroll results for time period selected. @04@ The employee has positive balance at the end of time period selectedfor the wagetype identified as being 'Termination Relevant' in thecustomizing table. @05@ The employee has negative balance at the end of time period selectedfor the wagetype identified as being 'Termination Relevant' in thecustomizing table. @00@ Wagetype defined as 'Deferred' are found in payroll results of theemployee. However, the balance for the wagetype identified as being'Termination Relevant' in the customizing table is zero at the end oftime period selected. Deferred balance mentioned in this section refers to the balance of thewagetype identified in customizing table as being 'TerminationRelevant'. Creating New Infotype 15 Record> In the column 'Termination' of the main screen, if the employee has apositive balance on the wagetype identified in the table T5UPBSDEF_WTas being 'Termination Relevant', an @0Y@ icon appears. The meaning ofthis icon is as follows. @0Y@ Create new infotype 15 'Additional Payments' record.For the new infotype 15 record being created, the amount defaulted in is the balance at the end ofthe time period selected for the wage type identified as being 'Termination Relevant' in wagetypecustomizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT. The default date for the new record is the currentsystem date. The user can overwrite all default values. The record can be created only for employees havingpositive balance for the wage type mentioned above. Activate this functionality of the report bydouble-clicking on the @0Y@ icon on the main display screen. Note that this @0Y@ icon will only appear in the 'Termination'column of those employees with positive balance. For other employees, the 'Termination' column will be shown withoutany icons. Report in Batch Mode>. When the report is executed in the background, it produces resultsfor all employees in ascending order of employee's personnel number.For each employee, the results starts on the first line showing thepersonnel number, name, wagetype balances and a message icon. Thefollowing rows show the detail payroll results from the payroll periodsselected for this employee. The fields shown in these rows aresequencial number of the payroll period selected, the begin date andend date of the for-period of the payroll period and wagetype amountfor each wagetype selected in the customizing table. If a wage typedoes not appear in the payroll result, the number '0.00' appears. Thewagetype amount can also be positive or negative. It is important tonote that only the wagetype amount on the first line is accumulatedover the time period selected but the wagetype amounts in the linesfollowing are not. The meaning of the icons are given in the Message Icons section.Notes The customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT can be maintained through viewV_T5UPBSDEF_WT. One wage type must be identified in this table asbeing 'Termination Relevant'.> There is no limit to the number ofwagetypes entered in the table. The user is responsible forentering the correct 'Deferred/Non-deferred' and 'Termination Relevant'attributes of a wagetype, as the report provides no checking in thisrespect. > Consult the documentation for the table T5UPBSDEF_WT for moreinformation on how to maintain the wagetype table. The 'Deferred/Non-deferred' attribute of the wage type is used tocheck if the employee is in deferred pay program during the period.If the employee is not in the deferred pay program, all wage typesdefined as 'Deferred wage type' will not appear in his/her payrollresults and the wage type amount shown by the report is '0.00' with themessage icon @5D@. If the employee is in the deferred pay program butthe wage type identified in this table as being 'Termination Relevant'has the balance of zero, then the balance shown by the report will alsobe '0.00' with the message icon @00@. It is assumed that the wage typeidentified as being 'Termination Relevant' in this table is also a'Deferred' wage type as well. On the selection screen, if a key date is selected instead of a timeperiod, the balance shown in the main screen will correspond to theunaccumulated amount for one payroll period containing the key date. Only payroll periods having at least one day of its for-periodcoincided with the selected time period are selected. Only active payroll periods are selected. The report only supports employees with country grouping 10 (US), i.e.employee active in the US. List of employees processed by the report, but having no payrollresults in the time period selected nor being active in the US, can befound in the error list of the report accessible through the error-listicon on the menu bar of the main screen. The sequence of wagetypes shown on display screens will not correspondto the sequence of wagetypes in the customizing table T5UPBSDEF_WT.Rather, the wagetype identified in the table as being 'TerminationRelevant' will always appear as the first wagetype column in the mainscreen of the report.Examples Assume that three wagetypes have been set up for earned salary, paidsalary and deferred salary balance for deferred pay model. Thewagetypes are PSDC, PSDE, PBAL, respectively. Furthermore, let'sassume that a 'U4' contract type has been set up for employees usingdeferred pay as well. An administrator wants to see the list of all employees using deferredpay and to create corresponding infotype 15 record for payments ofpositive deferred balance PBAL to those employees being terminated. Step 1: ,,Maintain view V_T5UPBSDEF_WT. Wagetypes PSDC, PSDE and PBAL are allentered as 'Deferred wagetype'. PBAL wage type will be selected as thewage type being 'Termination Relevant'. The balance of wagetype PBALwill appear in the first wagetype column on the main and detail screenand as the default amount for the new infotype 15 record, if the userchooses to create one. Step 2: At the selection screen of the report, select 'Up to today' for theperiod. Enter 'U4' for the contract type. Select 'All' for 'Persondisplay selection'. Step 3: Click on @15@. Step 4: At the main output screen, the list of all employees using deferred payis shown. Double-clicking on any line on the main screen activates thedetail screen showing detail payroll results for the correspondingemployee for the time period selected. If an employee has a positivebalance for the wagetype in the first wagetype column in the mainscreen, a @0Y@ icon will also appear in the 'Termination' column ofthat screen. To create a new infotype 15 record for an employee with positive PBALbalance, the user double-clicks on the corresponding @0Y@ icon and the'Create additional payments' screen appears with default date of thecurrent system date and default amount of the balance of the firstwagetype column on the main screen which is PBAL in this example. Afterentering appropriate wagetype code and overwrite any default values,the user clicks on @2L@ to save the new record. A new infotype 15record is now created in the employee's master data. |