Purpose This program is a deletion program intended for those who have chosen toutilize the XDEC cost distribution functionality for payroll. Thisprogram deletes COSTS table entries for a specified payroll period fromthe payroll cluster, and for this reason, this program should be usedwith caution. A test mode flag is available for selection so that theuser can see what COSTS results will be deleted prior to actualdeletion. It is highly recommended that the program always be executedfirst in test mode before actually deleting payroll results for aparticular employee and payroll period. The program will delete all COSTS entries associated to active resultscalculated for the selected period. This means that any COSTS that wereretroactively calculated for other periods during the run of theselected period will be deleted as well. Selection The selection parameters for the conversion program are a subset ofthose used for the standard payroll driver. Payroll Area: Indicates the payroll area for which the conversion shouldbe done. Payroll Period: The program can be run for the current payroll period,or an alternate period can be indicated. Personnel Number: A personnel number. Test Mode: An indicator for whether or not an update should be done tothe payroll cluster. If the checkbox is checked, no update will be done. Output The output of this program is a standard list of personnel numbers,followed by the corresponding sequence number, 'In Period' and'For-Period' of the costs records that have been deleted (or will bedeleted, in the case that the program is being executed in test mode). |