Purpose You use this report to define the assignment of thepayroll periods>, which youhave generated for your enterprise, for time intervals for cumulationsand deductions (for example, month, quarter, half-year or year). Thesystem needs this assignment
- to be able to calculate cumulations correctly
- to be able to distribute deductions to the payroll periods correctly
Each payroll period can be assigned to several different time intervals(or calendar types). For every calendar type (for example, quarter) forevery payroll period in the system, you must clearly define
- in which concrete cumulation interval (for example, in which quarter)
wage types from this period should be cumulated
- to which concrete time interval (for example, which quarter) deductions
should be assigned. You define the date in the payroll period which this assignment shouldaffect when generating the calendar for cumulations and deductions. Inthis way you, for example, determine in which month wage types shouldbe cumulated from a weekly payroll period, of which one half is in onemonth and the other in the following month.Integration The generation of the calendar for cumulations and deductions links tothe generation of the payroll periods (Report RPUCTP00 >). You generate the calendar for cumulations and deductions for thesame period, for which you have previously generated the payrollperiods.Prerequisites In the previous step of the Implementation Guide (IMG), you have usedreport RPUCTP00 (Generation of Payroll Periods)> to generate thepayroll periods and payment days for your enterpriseFeatures The report reads data from the following tables:
- T549Q (Payroll Periods)>
The system reads the start and end date for every payroll period fromthis table. You have defined this data for your system using reportRPUCTP00 (Generation of Payroll Periods)>.
- T549S (Personal Date Specifications per Payroll Period)>
The system reads the payment day for every payroll period from thistable. You have also defined the payment day for every generatedpayroll period using report RPUCTP00.
- T54C2 (Calender Type)>
The system reads the calendar types from this table. In this table, allexisting calendar types are defined by SAP. There are the followingcalendar types: weekly, two-weekly, four-weekly, monthly, half-monthly,quarterly, half-yearly, annually and unlimited.
- T54C4 (Valid Calendar Types)>
The system reads which calendar types are valid for cumulations andwhich for deductions for which combination ofPeriod parameter> andDate modifiers>. The valid calendar typesare also defined by SAP.Selection
- Country Grouping>
If you have preset the country grouping in your user parameters, thesystem will use this information. If you have not preset a countrygrouping, the system will ask you to specify the country for which youwant to execute the report. Determine the period number> In this field, you specify if the start date, the end date, or thepayment day for a payroll period should be decisive for your assignmentto a cumulation interval and a time interval for deductions. Here, youmust specify the same value that you have specified in this field inthe previous step of the Implementation Guide (IMG) on the selectionscreen of the report RPUCTP00 (Generation of Payroll Periods)>.
- Carry out Table Change>
Note that you must select this field to be able to actually generatethe calendar for cumulations and deductions. If you do not select thefield, perform a test run. In this case, the system only creates anoutput list without table entries. Standard_variantsOutput The system determines the assignment to the relevant cumulationinterval and relevant time interval for deductions for each payrollperiod and creates an entry for each in the following tables:
- T54C1 (Calendar for Cumulation)>
The system stores the assignment of payroll periods to the cumulationintervals here. Note: As of Release 4.6C this table is not filled for the country versionswhich implement out-of-sequence-checks (USA and Canada). For thesecountries the assignment to the cumulation intervals will instead bestored in Table T56C3 (Date for Cumulation Intervals)>. Use theReport RPUCTP50> (Generating Cumulation TableT56C3)> to fill this table.
- T549Z (Calendar for Payment Model)>
The system stores the assignment of payroll periods to time intervalsfor deductions here. You get an output list, in which the newly created records of tablesT54C1 and T549Z are displayed.Example You want to define the calendar for cumulations and deductions for theyears 2000 to 2005 for the period parameter 01 (monthly)> and thedate modifier 00 (standard modifier)>. The end date of the periodshould be the basis for the assignment of payroll periods to the timeintervals. Make the following entries: Period parameter,,01 Date modifier,,00 or ' ' Start year,,2000 End year,,2005 Start of fiscal year,,0101 Determine the period number,,2