Purpose You use this report to createpayroll periods> forseveral years in advance in your system, with a start and end date, aswell as the payment day. After the end of this period, you must regenerate the payroll periods.When doing so, make sure that the start of the new period for which yougenerate the periods does not overlap with the date for which theperiods were already generated. With the help of the view V_T549Q(Payroll Periods)> you can specify until which date payrollperiods are generated in your system. You find the view V_T549Q inPayroll> Customizing under Environment -> PayrollOrganization -> Generate Payroll Periods>, when you choose the stepCheck Date of Payroll Periods>.Prerequisites In Payroll> Customizing under Environment -> PayrollOrganization -> Define Period Parameters> you have defined the periodparameters valid in your system. You have defined the payroll areas in your system in Payroll>Customizing under Environment -> Payroll Organization -> CheckPayroll Area> or in Personal Administration > Customizing under Organizational Data -> OrganizationalAssignment -> Create Payroll Areas>. When doing so you assigned aperiod parameter> and adate modifier> to everypayroll area.Features The report enters the new periods with aperiod number> as well asthe start and end date in table T549Q (Payroll Periods)>. Thepayment day is created for every period in table T549S (PersonnelDate Specifications Per Payroll Period)>. Note For more information on the payroll period and payment day, see theSAP-Library for Payroll> under Human Resources -> Payroll ->Payroll (Country) -> Payroll in the SAP System -> Payroll Basics ->Payroll Control Record -> Payroll Period >. Depending on the settings in your system, you may have to execute thereport several times. This is the case if
- you use several different period parameters for different payroll
areas, for example, weekly and monthly payroll periods.
- you use a period parameter with different date modifiers in your
system, for example, monthly payroll periods with different paymentdays for salaried employees and industrial workers For every combination of period parameter and date modifier, which youassigned to a payroll area in the step Create Payroll Area> orCheck Payroll area>, you must generate the payroll periodsespecially. When you create a new payroll area, after you have generated thepayroll periods you do not usually need to execute this report again.You only need to regenerate the payroll periods if you assign the newpayroll area a period parameter or date modifier, for which you havenot yet generated the periods. If you want to regenerate new periods within a period for which youhave already generated payroll periods, we recommend that you define anew period parameter and generate for this period parameter. You cannot regenerate payroll periods for which payroll has already been run.Selection
- County Grouping>
If you have preset the country grouping in your user parameters, thesystem will use this information. If you have not preset the countrygrouping, the system will ask you to specify the country for which youwant to execute the report.
- Period Parameter> and Start Date>
When you define one, two or four-weekly payroll periods in thePeriod parameters> field, be aware that the date that you enterin the Start date> field determines the week day on which yourperiods begin.
- Make Table Change>
Be aware that you must select this field in order to actually generatethe payroll periods. If you do not select the field, perform a testrun. In this case, the system only creates a list with the newlycreated date specifications for the payroll periods, without creatingtable entries.Output The report generates an entry in tables T549Q and T549S for everypayroll period in the selected period. It creates a output list inwhich the newly created date specifications for the payroll periods aredisplayed. Activities Example You want to define the payroll periods for the years 2000 to 2005 forthe period parameters 01 (monthly)> and the date modifier 00(standard modifier)>. The payment day should be be three daysbefore the end of the payroll period. The system should calculate theperiod number independent of the end date of the period. Make the following entries: Period parameter,,01 Date modifier,,00 or ' ' Start date,,01.01.2000 End year,,2005 Start of fiscal year,,0101 Payment day rule,,2 Number of days,,3 Determine period number,,2