Purpose Use this report to effect changes in savings data that has already beenprocessed. This may be necessary in exceptional cases, such as if errorshave been made that preclude the application of infotype SavingsSchemes >(0854).Prerequisites In order to start the report, you need the correct authorisation. Youmust also be authorised to change savings data in infotype SavingsSchemes >(0854). This report allows you to change data to the extent that it may nolonger fulfil current or future (e.g. statutory) requirements. By usingthis report, you accept all associated responsibility and indemnify SAPof all accountability.> After correcting the savings data, a recalculation will begin in thepayroll and all corrections will be processed. However, amounts alreadytransferred (saved in the BT table) are not changed. An adjustment wagetype will be made available to correct the difference between thetransferred amount and the new savings amount. This claim from, or debtto, the bank/insurance company needs to be settled manually. Noautomatic correction will take place for amounts already transferred. An additional call of the payroll function Savings SchemeCalculations> ( NLSPR>) with 4thparameter 'CORR' is necessary in order to generate the adjustment wagetypes in the payroll. More information can be found in the documentationon this function. To be able to use this report, it must be possible to update theinfotype in the payroll history, which requires the field Responseto Input in Payroll History> (T582A-EPAST) to be set to value X usingthe IMG. It should be noted here that this change allows changes to bemade in the history using transaction PA30. These changes will NOT>effect any corrections in the payroll. When updating, this willappear in a message. The default setting for this field is E, so as notto allow any changes in the history.Selection When making the selection, you can indicate to which person or personsthe change should be carried out in the savings data that has alreadybeen processed. Output Relevant savings data for all selected persons will be displayed in anALV list. Double-click on a person to launch a pop-up screen where youcan either choose to update the existing data in the current period, orto copy the data and change it in a different period. It is not possibleto adjust the savings type (the savings or life-course subtype)directly. Afterwards, the relevant data can be changed. Please take not of thefollowing: Add>; Adding new records is not possible using this report. Onlyexisting reports can be changed. Change>; existing data can be adjusted, such as start and enddates, amounts, percentages, intervals, etc. It is not possible to alterbank details. Delete>; it is not possible to delete records. Saved amounts canbe undone by setting savings amounts (and/or percentages) to zero. Copy>; use this operation to copy data to another period andchange it. If it is still necessary to switch between salary savings and lifecourse schemes (or vice versa), first the savings amount must be set tozero. After that, call transaction PA30 normally to create a life-coursesavings record. As this is not possible retroactively, the period willthen need to be adjusted using this report. As soon as a change is made using this report, the next payroll periodwill be entered into the field Change Period for RetroactiveAdjustments> (SRPER>) in infotype SavingsSchemes> (0854). This is the period in which the adjustment will takeplace. If the infotype record is copied, or a new record created, thisperiod will not be transferred. |